Trains Back After Wembley Will Be ''Dry''

If anyone likes spirits and is traveling with a girl, these are unlikely to be searched.
They'll give a new meaning to the words 'heavy period' once filled, I suspect.

Inject vodka into an orange like what was meant to of done in scotland when alcohol was banned... A fat glasweigan with a bag of oranges at the game, yeah right !
I always leave after about 70 minutes anyway, so hopefully should be back in time to get the 1617 before the ban kicks in.
I think some of you have a bit of a drink problem after reading some of the lengths you'll go to have one...
GXCity said:
peoffrey said:
Kippax Street 1880 said:
Solve this problem by using a new fangled invention called a coach.

Aren't coaches dry too? I've heard stories of them being pulled over by the Police and searched for beer.

They generally leave you alone until you are within 10 miles of the ground. Most coaches stop and dump any empties etc.

I was thinking Service Stations too. I was chatting to one lad at an away match who's coach was really strict on everything including eating large items of food. This is why I usually take the train.
This country is rapidly turning into a police state.They can ban almost everything under the hated 'Health and safety/public order'' rules!

Adults should be allowed to enjoy a drink when they wish.The police are there to act if someone breaks the law,not impose a draconian ban just in case someone abuses something which MAY mean they will break the law.

More disorder is caused by drunken Hooray Henry's at the regatta but they wouldn't dare ban booze for the spoilt ruling elite to be would they?

I read somewhere they were going to not give late licences to pubs to show Englands world cup matches....last time i looked at the law we had relaxed licencing opening hours so pubs could open when they liked anyway!

Let's hope the police are as active at stopping innocent fans getting attacked as they are sneaking a can of booze onto a train,fat chance eh?
BigJoe#1 said:
Not that it affects me but, anyone know if the same restrictions have been imposed on the Mackems?
Worse for them:

East Coast
East Coast trains will operate 'dry' trains over the weekend. On these services alcohol cannot be bought, carried or consumed on board.

Saturday 1st March: All trains from Newcastle to King's Cross will be 'dry' trains

Sunday 2nd March: Departures starting with the 07.30 up to and including the 08.55 departure from Newcastle will be dry trains.

From London returning north the first 'dry' service will be the 17.12, and the restriction will apply up to and including the 21.45 service.

- See more at: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... xLmzr.dpuf</a>
Well i hope to be enjoying a celebratory few tipples on the flight home on Sunday night,stuff the trains and old bill!
paulchapo said:
Well i hope to be enjoying a celebratory few tipples on the flight home on Sunday night,stuff the trains and old bill!

Did you factor in the new police microlights?

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