Trains Back After Wembley Will Be ''Dry''

cheddar404 said:
Ted_Bovis said:
Here's a trick. I do this at gigs and stadium concerts.
Buy some fruit juice that has the peel back silver tab things and the white plastic flappy thing on top. 'Just juice' I think has them. Carefully open it leaving it stuck to the carton as much as possible.
Pour it away or keep some juice in. Fill the rest with vodka. Superglue the seal back down. Boom. Vodka and orange or whatever.

When they check it's sealed and it looks unopened so they are unlikely to make you peel off a sealed carton of juice.

Careful when you pour out. Don't wet the top of the carton and don't use toxic glue.

Good one. At the stone roses gig, I decanted vodka into double wrapped little bags and stored them in my underpants while going through security. Every last one burst and I looked like I'd pissed myself. They weren't even checking bags either as it turned out.
Cheers for that made me laugh!, I used to wear the tracksuit bottoms with the rope thing to tighten them under my jeans and tie a shoulder of vodka to the string, nice warm vodka!
They're also less likely to search round that area if you keep making creepy comments about cavity searches..
On a previous trip to Wembley by train I discovered that the 440ml cans of ale fit snugly into the outer packet of a six pack of Walkers crisps.
Simply stuff a packet of afore mentioned crisps at the top of the outer bag and when the nice PC looks in your carrier bag all he sees is a six pack of prawn cocktail. And a couple of baps/barms/rolls. Nice.
Dunraven said:
On a previous trip to Wembley by train I discovered that the 440ml cans of ale fit snugly into the outer packet of a six pack of Walkers crisps.
Simply stuff a packet of afore mentioned crisps at the top of the outer bag and when the nice PC looks in your carrier bag all he sees is a six pack of prawn cocktail. And a couple of baps/barms/rolls. Nice.

Kippax Street 1880 said:
Solve this problem by using a new fangled invention called a coach.

Aren't coaches dry too? I've heard stories of them being pulled over by the Police and searched for beer.
peoffrey said:
Kippax Street 1880 said:
Solve this problem by using a new fangled invention called a coach.

Aren't coaches dry too? I've heard stories of them being pulled over by the Police and searched for beer.

Can't speak for others but on the last 4 trips to Wembley everyone has drank on our coach there and back and never had any issue.
Why are some of you shocked.

I have not yet missed a recent Wembley trip , been on the train every time return tickets , THE TRAIN IS DRY BOTH WAYS.

Here is a tip :

go early
come back late and

get your fill of booze in the middle
toffee balls said:
Why are some of you shocked.

I have not yet missed a recent Wembley trip , been on the train every time return tickets , THE TRAIN IS DRY BOTH WAYS.

Here is a tip :

go early
come back late and

get your fill of booze in the middle

Well virgin have confirmed you are free to drink on the way to wembley just not returning so don't think its both ways
peoffrey said:
Kippax Street 1880 said:
Solve this problem by using a new fangled invention called a coach.

Aren't coaches dry too? I've heard stories of them being pulled over by the Police and searched for beer.

They generally leave you alone until you are within 10 miles of the ground. Most coaches stop and dump any empties etc.

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