Tribute to Newtonheathdave

stony said:
goatbinfed said:
How you doing fella? you still in the newbs on there? Tbh I much prefered it in there and I was extremely apprehensive about being put up to the mains. I'm going to give it a miss on there from now on.
Now allforone is just ended up being a wum unfortunately. Kraftwerker by and large you can talk football with. There is some good lads on there with Brewlio being a top fella.

I only browse the place I don't think I could sign up, I'd be banned in a day

To be honest mate I am not bitter in the slightest. I love City too much to be bitter about anything. I won't sit here and pretend I go to watch City every week any more as I don't and I have my reasons for that but it does not distinguish my views about City.
I had some good debates and in the newbs there is a few other blues. The one good thing about that site is that if you just want to talk football then theres fans of a lot of other clubs on there and a lot of peeps from round the world so you get a more informed view on world football to be fair. There is also some decent lads who know a lot about football. I know it seems a bit strange a blue posting on there so much and it was not something that sat easy with me at first.
in regards to the lad before who stated that I was slagging bluemoon off. well thats not exactly what i said. it can be quite ferocious on here at times with blues having a real go at each other. Thats not something that sits easy with me. i seen the constant harrassing of Tolmie, Ajay, Spursmad etc as well as various other itk's and i decdied not to post on here. Thats not to say theres not some good posters who I enjoy reading. The thing that got to me most was when the spuds fan was blatantly told to fuck off after rasing a valid point and that was my bone of contention really. if you read what i put, I also sated thats theres some top and interesting posters on here
Now as most of you have seen from my posts on the cafe I am pretty easy going and enjoy talking bout football. I am not really into slagging of the opposition or their fans and quite like a different outlook on football rather than the city bubble we seem to live in. i stand by what I said about on here and it was constructive criticism I would hope rather than being seen as slagging it of
The Fixer said:
To our resident rags, i have a question regarding a song you sing.....

We do what we want, we do what we waaaaaaaant
we're man united we do what we want????

Seriously what the fuck is that all about?? sounds really arrogant tbh... care to explain?


How about asking all those League 2 teams why they sing that they're " FAR the greatest team, the WORLD has ever seeeeeeen"

You're clearly not. You're in League 2 for fuck's sake.

If we're semantically analysing football chants, surely that has to be tackled first?
Viva Rivaldo said:
The Fixer said:
To our resident rags, i have a question regarding a song you sing.....

We do what we want, we do what we waaaaaaaant
we're man united we do what we want????

Seriously what the fuck is that all about?? sounds really arrogant tbh... care to explain?


How about asking all those League 2 teams why they sing that thay're " FAR the greatest team, the WORLD has ever seeeeeeen"

You're clearly not. You're in League 2 for fuck's sake.

If we're semantically analysing football chants, surely that has to be tackled first?

Wtf are you waffling on about, it's a simple question no other **** sings it and i'm curious as to what it stems from??
The Fixer said:
Excal said:
In case you don't see this on the caf where I first posted it, I don't think you've overstayed your welcome. If you're feeling heated or whatever, then yeah, a break may be in order, but I don't think anyone has suggested they want you to leave, so come back, eh?

Actually you seem a decent rag, but ffs that allforone is a complete whopper mate give him a woman slap and sort him out :O)

Allforone's better in threads where he's not directly 'engaging the enemy', so to speak. Hey, it's like family. Everyone's got that uncle who talks bollocks at the last little provocation. I don't read bluemoon too closely, (in terms of absolutely hilarious shite, you lot have nothing on RAWK. Swear to Christ some of those people would literally drop their pants for Rafa if he asked them to,) but I'd imagine mcfcliam is less of a twat when he isn't calling for everyone in sight to be banned. (He'd almost have to be.)

zeven said:
Indeed. Excal is our own "newtonheathdave" here on blue-moon from now on, hopefully :)

Oof no. I might pop over now and then, but if I'm gonna get into discussions where I'm going to end up calling everyone a stupid wanker, it should at least be over politics where the other side really ARE stupid wankers and not just wearing a different color shirt ;)
strongbowholic said:
Not read all the posts, but I really do not understand why you would want to invest all that time and effort on a site dedicated to your 'enemies'.

Makes no sense in my little world and therefore not worthy of mention, praise or anything else. In fact it seems worthy of opprobrium?
Have you never been on sadcafe and read posts that are so wrong or just plain lies that you just want to throw the computer out of the window of pure frustration of being unable to correct them? thats how i feel, so Dave have saved me alot of money by correcting them.
And as we all know, thats not an easy job.
goatbinfed said:
M18CTID said:
Could be. What makes me laugh is that Dave has owned both him and Kraftwerker by totally disproving their argument that United have never had the benefit of a sugar daddy owner but they're still in total denial about it. In fact, it shows just how little Allforone knows about his own club by barking up totally the wrong tree and talking about the Busby Babes. Errrr no mate - your 2 bailouts came long before that. The second one happened when Busby was still a City player you fucking weapon. And the reason why we know so much about your club is that it comes in handy when dealing with ill-informed wankers like you.

How you doing fella? you still in the newbs on there? Tbh I much prefered it in there and I
was extremely apprehensive about being put up to the mains. I'm going to give it a miss on there from now on.
Now allforone is just ended up being a wum unfortunately. Kraftwerker by and large you can talk football with. There is some good lads on there with Brewlio being a top fella.

Not bad thanks Dave. Yeah, I'm still stuck in the Newbies on there. To be honest, I was apprehensive when you got promoted as well - not because you're a bad poster (far from it) but because you were the only blue up there and I could envisage some of them ganging up on you when you said something they didn't agree with. And that seems to have been exactly what's happened by the looks of it. It's weird because there are a lot of good posters in the mains but there's also a rabid-dog mentality amongst a few of them which in an odd way makes the Newbies a calmer place. The trouble with Allforone is that he's not even a funny WUM (remember Gold Trafford? He was a prick but was pure comedy gold with it) and it surprises me that he gets away with so much. Not that I'm trying to tell them how to moderate their own forum because on the whole they appear to do a decent job.
The Fixer said:
Viva Rivaldo said:

How about asking all those League 2 teams why they sing that thay're " FAR the greatest team, the WORLD has ever seeeeeeen"

You're clearly not. You're in League 2 for fuck's sake.

If we're semantically analysing football chants, surely that has to be tackled first?

Wtf are you waffling on about, it's a simple question no other **** sings it and i'm curious as to what it stems from??

I think it's just to do with our away fans being told to sit down, and refusing. Summat like that anyway.
Viva Rivaldo said:
The Fixer said:
Wtf are you waffling on about, it's a simple question no other **** sings it and i'm curious as to what it stems from??

I think it's just to do with our away fans being told to sit down, and refusing. Summat like that anyway.

Ah i see, just wondered what it was all about... thanks for clearing that up!
zeven said:
strongbowholic said:
Not read all the posts, but I really do not understand why you would want to invest all that time and effort on a site dedicated to your 'enemies'.

Makes no sense in my little world and therefore not worthy of mention, praise or anything else. In fact it seems worthy of opprobrium?
Have you never been on sadcafe and read posts that are so wrong or just plain lies that you just want to throw the computer out of the window of pure frustration of being unable to correct them? thats how i feel, so Dave have saved me alot of money by correcting them.
And as we all know, thats not an easy job.
Sad cafe? As the Dublinners said, "no, nay, never". Bag of nuts. It's hard enough trying to talk to decent blues on this site amongst the multitude of rags masquerading here without actively searching out rags on home territory.

I'd rather stick pins in me eyes.

And as for correcting them etc, once again, fuck them all. I hope they believe for ever and ever we are everything wrong in football. I hope their bitterness keeps them warm at night as their domination culminates in a red scouse finale.

Stick it up yer arse.

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