Trouble in the East Stand??

Re: Get fletcher out of our club

im_still_here said:
get this scum bag out of our club.. he doesnt give a flying duck about city fans he is just some big wig fucker sat in his office on a massive power/ego trip.

Fuck off fletcher your not wanted.
hahaha game 1 and fletcher is in the shit again ,
Re: Ejections in 109

I have built an array of scaffolding with a viewing platform around my seat to help me observe a rather interesting willow warbler that has constructed a nest in the roofing structure above 106. Last night some officious orange jacketed stormtrooper demanded that I dismantle it and that it would only be permitted at Carling Cup ties in future. That says it all.
Re: Ejections in 109

If there is a problem with the aggressive nature of the 'stewards' then get intouch with the club, The guy Fletcher is only doing his job, whether we like it or not on the whole he may not be doing a bad job. Unfortunatly it seems for some people to go on a massive ego trip once a security badge and yellow jacket gets issued to them, and there lies the biggest problem.

Gathering round and surrounding/intimidating the 'stewards' will only cause more shit, in days gone by it may have worked, but your on camera now, you can be picked up and fucked off at a later date thanks to big brother, send an email to the club, keep it clean and hopefully the club will take note and get on with improving the matter, and if you get a response with an update then even better,
Work with your club, not against them.
Re: Ejections in 109

Showsec were a joke last night. They were telling people to sit down when people in front of them were stood up and even kicked some people out for it. We've paid to watch a football match, not to stare at someone else's back.
Re: Ejections in 109

I was in 109 row B on the seat next to 110 and the 2 main problems with the stewards last night was the fact that 109 last season was standing, I moved to 109 because I was able to stand and I enjoy that kind of atmosphere. The other reason is that the stewards went about it all wrong yesterday they tried getting the fans sat next to 110 to sit down first meaning the moment you stand down you couldn't see any of the game as your in the corner!!

Most of the stewards last night were ok, they asked for about 20 minutes and realised it wasn't going to happen so they just stood there, it was the odd one especially a fat woman who had a voice that just went right through you who told us to sit all night and as soon as anyone disagreed in a way she didn't like she got the heavys to confront them and kick them out thrown out, she said shed use the recording as evidence but I don't think she would as she was swearing at us more than us at her.

Overall I don't see this working at all, the main tactic last night was as soon as enough people sat down we started singing so everyone stood back up (it wasn't just if you love city stand up it was anything).

All i know is next year I'm defiantly moving to 110 can't stand the whining!

EDIT: Forgot to mention I didn't get any letter about no standing
Re: Ejections in 109

I'm in 109, row F. The stewards, at times, got some of the first two rows to sit down, but it was interminttent sitting! I moved to 109 last season so that I could stand and sing and was told - unfortunately, only verbally - when I relocated my season ticket that standing is tolerated in 109.

I understand that the club have safety regulations to comply with, BUT, they have put it in writing in the letter we received that they tolerate standing in certain blocks. So, IMO, the club need to have dialogue with the fans to understand where these fans are and how many prefer to stand up. The Showsec stewards were pretty heavy-handed and did seem to be targeting young lads - if they've been given that directive, then someone further up is being a complete bastard.

I am mainly angry that the letter arrived on Saturday morning, two months after the club took my money for the season ticket. If they had had complaints about persistent standing, surely we should have been told about these before we renewed our season ticket....... like that was every going to happen!

Standing needs to be brought back - without a doubt. Get involved with the FSF's safe standing campaign. It's going to take a lot of chipping away at MPs, then the clubs, but we might get there eventually. All you have to do is sign the petition:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Finally, I'm going to be complaining to the club about the heavy-handed nature of the stewards and seemingly targeting certain people, about the letter arriving two days before the start of the season and, mainly, to ask them to be sensible about this and try to allocate enough areas where standing is toleratred for those that want to stand.

If you want to add your voice to that, I've set up a special email address, so please email me with either your block and row number or your name (with any comments) at

The more of us that pull together on this, the less chance the club will have of ignoring us. Pass the email address on to family and mates that don't go on BM.
Ejections in 109

Funnily enough, I've had grief from stewards at various events for no other reason than a show of strength on their part. I've never once sworn at one or threatened one. What I find works really well if the opportunity arises is to say "I'm a very, very litigious solicitor so please think before you take any action. I am also recording what you say on my phone."
Re: Ejections in 109

I sit in 107 and had a good view of it all, the woman with the ginger hair needs some training in how to win friends and influence people, as her skills were woeful at best and the targetting of only the young lads was totally out of order... as someone said the stewards were stood right in front so anyone on the front row, couldnt see the game, so had to stand up... it became a chicken and egg situation, in short they just made things worse

However, i dont think giving the Showsec crew shit is the way to go, it clearly enpowers them to be able to kick people out, also they are only following orders (like all good nazi stormtroopers) and i have some sympathy with the club as we are issued a safety certificate for an all seater stadium and therefore have to make efforts to sit people down, but they have made a rod for their own back by allowing some to stand and not others... also isnt there a disabled section at the back of 109... not everyone can stand for health reasons, these people do need more consideration

The way to go is those standing areas that have a seat for each person, that can be lowered for European games (where all seater is a must) and easily clamped back in place after... with these there is no way you can have a hillsbourough situation as there are still rows of seats, with all the restrictiveness that they bring to prevent old fashioned surges, where you could end up 20-30m away from your original position.

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