Trouble in the East Stand??

fuck me when i was a young lad going to maine road, it was all seater but i remember on various occasions people in front of me standing i couldn't see so i stood on my seat.

don't get the people who complain, i'm now in 116 and theres an old woman across from me who happily stands all game and joins in with the singing, if she can manage anyone can.

i'm not saying you shouldn't have a choice but why buy a ticket so close to the away fans in 109 if you just want to sit there?
marios stress ball said:
Matty said:
dom12345 said:
Or sort it now, make 109 all standing?
The club need to make a call, allow 109 to be a standing block, or insist it's seating only.

Once they make this call (some might say they already have), then they need to enforce whatever decision they make.

However the METHOD of enforcement is clearly not working, and in my opinion, is the incorrect one to use.

IF City have decided there is to be no standing in block 109 then the only way to sensibly enforce it is, again in my opinion, the following:-

1 - Send a letter out to everyone in block 109 stating it's a seated only block. Explain the repercussions should you refuse to sit.

2 - On match days, reiterate the message from the letter, that 109 is seating only.

3 - Get the stewards to politely, but firmly, from the front row and working backwards, ask the fans to sit down.

4 - For anyone who refuses to sit down, take a note of their seat number and row.

5 - After the game, but prior to the next home match, send out letters to all those who refused to sit. Inform them that, for the next home game, their ticket has been deactivated and they may not attaend the game (only 1 match).

6 - Should people persistently offend increase the match bans, to 2 games, 3 games etc.

7 - Eventually, should someone still refuse to sit, remove their seasoncard completely.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to make people sit, I actually have no strong dfeelings one way or the other, I'll do what those around me do. I'm lucky in respect that I sit so far back in 109 that I never get asked to sit down. What I am saying is that IF the club have made the decision they need to enforce it sensibly, and safely. The method they use at present, which seems to be a mix of intimidation, force and ffan removals, isn't working, causes as many issues as it prevents, and is demonstratively dangerous.

An even more sensible thing would be to leave everyone alone!

And that would enforce the clubs decision how exactly?

As has been demonstrated by the smoking in the loos behind 109/110, asking nicely with virtually no enforcement will result in fans simply ignoring the request and doing whatever they want. If the club are truly committed to making 109 sitting only then they need to enforce it, otherwise people will stand regardless.

As I said, I don't really care one way or the other regarding the sitting/standing debate, my comments were purely explainign how enforcement SHOULD be used to be safe, and effective.
It strikes me that there are not many witnesses willing to step forward on this man's behalf. Perhaps through fear of losing their own season ticket or just plain apathy. If the the moral outrage of the majority on here is to be believed then why is no-one stepping up to the plate to speak to the press ?
Hamann Pineapple said:
It strikes me that there are not many witnesses willing to step forward on this man's behalf. Perhaps through fear of losing their own season ticket or just plain apathy. If the the moral outrage of the majority on here is to be believed then why is no-one stepping up to the plate to speak to the press ?

JoeMercer'sWay said:
Matty said:
dom12345 said:
Or sort it now, make 109 all standing?
The club need to make a call, allow 109 to be a standing block, or insist it's seating only.

Once they make this call (some might say they already have), then they need to enforce whatever decision they make.

However the METHOD of enforcement is clearly not working, and in my opinion, is the incorrect one to use.

IF City have decided there is to be no standing in block 109 then the only way to sensibly enforce it is, again in my opinion, the following:-

1 - Send a letter out to everyone in block 109 stating it's a seated only block. Explain the repercussions should you refuse to sit.

2 - On match days, reiterate the message from the letter, that 109 is seating only.

3 - Get the stewards to politely, but firmly, from the front row and working backwards, ask the fans to sit down.

4 - For anyone who refuses to sit down, take a note of their seat number and row.

5 - After the game, but prior to the next home match, send out letters to all those who refused to sit. Inform them that, for the next home game, their ticket has been deactivated and they may not attaend the game (only 1 match).

6 - Should people persistently offend increase the match bans, to 2 games, 3 games etc.

7 - Eventually, should someone still refuse to sit, remove their seasoncard completely.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to make people sit, I actually have no strong dfeelings one way or the other, I'll do what those around me do. I'm lucky in respect that I sit so far back in 109 that I never get asked to sit down. What I am saying is that IF the club have made the decision they need to enforce it sensibly, and safely. The method they use at present, which seems to be a mix of intimidation, force and ffan removals, isn't working, causes as many issues as it prevents, and is demonstratively dangerous.

I agree with that thought but I'd get them to get the people in 109 to vote on whether it's standing or seating and enforce what the majority side with.

I'd then offer a relocation for fans who were against this decision and perhaps refund a match ticket as compo.

Then the policy has to be followed, but I'd start with a warning rather than an automatic ban and stewards have to be watchful but lenient and not excessive on trying to stitch people up for stuff.

I pretty much agree with everything you've said there. A initial warning would probably be best, although some will obviously ignore it.

It should also be made abundently clear what the policy is for 109 when it comes to ticket renewals at season end, to prevent people buying seats there with an unrealistic expectation of sitting/standing (whatever the vote decision is). I've seen several people claim they moved to block 109 because "It's a standing block". Now, whilst it may be true that standing is prevelant here, it is NOT officially a standing block, not at present anyway.
Stevie B said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
It strikes me that there are not many witnesses willing to step forward on this man's behalf. Perhaps through fear of losing their own season ticket or just plain apathy. If the the moral outrage of the majority on here is to be believed then why is no-one stepping up to the plate to speak to the press ?


What ? From what I can see, the press have pulled the video from Youtube but despite numerous requests to speak to fans no-one has.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Stevie B said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
It strikes me that there are not many witnesses willing to step forward on this man's behalf. Perhaps through fear of losing their own season ticket or just plain apathy. If the the moral outrage of the majority on here is to be believed then why is no-one stepping up to the plate to speak to the press ?


What ? From what I can see, the press have pulled the video from Youtube but despite numerous requests to speak to fans no-one has.

Stevie B coming to a wireless near you in 40minutes
Hope the elderly man is okay now and goes for compensation because he was treated in the most aggressive manner by Showtec, while GMP stood and watched, according to the GMP statement he was de-arrested soon after. I've never heard of de-arrested, so looked it up.
definition of de-arrest
a police term, meaning to release someone who had been arrested, before they are even taken to the police station and processed, because it's become clear they are innocent. (Differs from 'released without charge' in that no record of the arrest is kept.)
Has anyone phoned the club and spoken to them or emailed them to ask for a response? I was in CB level 2 and joked to my son who asked what was going on that probably the stewards were trying to throw an old man out and causing a load of hassle. I didn't realise how accurate I was being. We have had the same steward in our section pretty much since the stadium opened and he always has a kuagh and joke with us because he knows most of the people sitting in the block. The same cannot be said in other parts of the stadium and this is part of the problem. No rapport with the fans and no empathy. Showsec need to come out and make a comment as unfortunately they haven't a leg to stand on thanks to the videos. Maybe if everyone in 109 at some point during the game stands up and walks out for five minutes as a protest the cameras on Tuesday will pick up on it and hey presto shame the club into doing something positive instead of hiding behind comments that are blatantly untrue.

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