Trouble in the East Stand??

Ricster said:
bobmcfc said:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ic&t=70849</a>

reaching other forums

Nice one. Taken from RAWK.

Re: Old man hit by steward at Etihad
« Reply #11 on: Yesterday at 09:14:53 PM »
My girl friends old man is one of the fire stewards there and he said it was a disgusting. However, he did say that the control room were insisting stewards removed anyone who insisted on standing. But the fact they targeted a vulnerable old man is bollocks.

I wonder which member of City staff was in the control room.

Good to see a bit of support on other forums. The poster on RAWK tarring all stewards and police with the same brush isn't being particularly helpful though and he/she has been rightfully pulled up on it. I've had my fair share of experiences with over-zealous stewards at a few grounds (Leicester and Bolton being the stand-out ones) but I've also witnessed one or two getting unfair stick as well. In particular, at Anfield 5 or 6 years ago - my seat was right near the back of the away end but for some reason the back row (or back 2 rows possibly) was kept empty. That didn't stop one bloke from taking up a position on the back row. A female LFC steward politely asked him to move and re-locate to his actual seat and he responded with a volley of abuse, telling her to "Fuck off the scouse woman" or words to that effect. It was completely uncalled for and him not moving was a mystery because the further back you are in that stand the more obstructed your view is, so by sitting/standing on the back row he had a shit view of the game.
Stevie B said:
dom12345 said:
Stevie B said:
Just spoke with BBC Manc, they phoned me asked me to do some radio interview :S

Dunno if what I said was right, hopefully they don't put me across as some football hooligan prick.

Said it will be on around 4pm
What did you say?

Similar stuff to what I said in the MUEN interview.... my account of what I saw and heard.

Should of said other stuff but meh... i'll probably be edited and say: yea we were battering the stewards for 45mins then the police came so we battered them to.

If any other media calls you, ask to go on live only, not be recorded. I've done recorded interviews before and you listen and shake your head.... and get text messages from friends (who you have texted to tell them to listen) asking what the fuck are you on about as they edited them and twisted it all around - or they have given someone else they are talking to live, the opportunity to shoot your comments down without you having the chance to reply to their comments (which often are incorrect)
dom12345 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Glad ive got my padded seat on level 2 when I read this! My feet were killing after standing at Blackburn all game :)

Club needs to sort it at the end of the season.
Or sort it now, make 109 all standing?
The club need to make a call, allow 109 to be a standing block, or insist it's seating only.

Once they make this call (some might say they already have), then they need to enforce whatever decision they make.

However the METHOD of enforcement is clearly not working, and in my opinion, is the incorrect one to use.

IF City have decided there is to be no standing in block 109 then the only way to sensibly enforce it is, again in my opinion, the following:-

1 - Send a letter out to everyone in block 109 stating it's a seated only block. Explain the repercussions should you refuse to sit.

2 - On match days, reiterate the message from the letter, that 109 is seating only.

3 - Get the stewards to politely, but firmly, from the front row and working backwards, ask the fans to sit down.

4 - For anyone who refuses to sit down, take a note of their seat number and row.

5 - After the game, but prior to the next home match, send out letters to all those who refused to sit. Inform them that, for the next home game, their ticket has been deactivated and they may not attaend the game (only 1 match).

6 - Should people persistently offend increase the match bans, to 2 games, 3 games etc.

7 - Eventually, should someone still refuse to sit, remove their seasoncard completely.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to make people sit, I actually have no strong dfeelings one way or the other, I'll do what those around me do. I'm lucky in respect that I sit so far back in 109 that I never get asked to sit down. What I am saying is that IF the club have made the decision they need to enforce it sensibly, and safely. The method they use at present, which seems to be a mix of intimidation, force and ffan removals, isn't working, causes as many issues as it prevents, and is demonstratively dangerous.
I know, completely right... I just nipped out of work when he called me and panicked.

Should of kept composed, I refused to speak with The Sun, don't trust that scum
Matty said:
dom12345 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Glad ive got my padded seat on level 2 when I read this! My feet were killing after standing at Blackburn all game :)

Club needs to sort it at the end of the season.
Or sort it now, make 109 all standing?
The club need to make a call, allow 109 to be a standing block, or insist it's seating only.

Once they make this call (some might say they already have), then they need to enforce whatever decision they make.

However the METHOD of enforcement is clearly not working, and in my opinion, is the incorrect one to use.

IF City have decided there is to be no standing in block 109 then the only way to sensibly enforce it is, again in my opinion, the following:-

1 - Send a letter out to everyone in block 109 stating it's a seated only block. Explain the repercussions should you refuse to sit.

2 - On match days, reiterate the message from the letter, that 109 is seating only.

3 - Get the stewards to politely, but firmly, from the front row and working backwards, ask the fans to sit down.

4 - For anyone who refuses to sit down, take a note of their seat number and row.

5 - After the game, but prior to the next home match, send out letters to all those who refused to sit. Inform them that, for the next home game, their ticket has been deactivated and they may not attaend the game (only 1 match).

6 - Should people persistently offend increase the match bans, to 2 games, 3 games etc.

7 - Eventually, should someone still refuse to sit, remove their seasoncard completely.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to make people sit, I actually have no strong dfeelings one way or the other, I'll do what those around me do. I'm lucky in respect that I sit so far back in 109 that I never get asked to sit down. What I am saying is that IF the club have made the decision they need to enforce it sensibly, and safely. The method they use at present, which seems to be a mix of intimidation, force and ffan removals, isn't working, causes as many issues as it prevents, and is demonstratively dangerous.

An even more sensible thing would be to leave everyone alone!
bluemoonbirdy said:
I sit on the second row next to this poor chap and the argument here has been lost somewhere in this thread.

He very politely refused to be seated, citing that thousands of others were standing, (in our section) and he felt he was being singled out, (as he was). No fewer than 4 stewards approached ONLY this gentleman. He never uttered a single profanity, being shoulder to shoulder with him, I should know.

For this, and only this he is then manhandled and assaulted by the stewards, one of which jumped over the first row and got into a tangle with myself and others.

The police I don´t believe were at fault, the officers appeared to be not looking at the man but at the crowd as they appeared worried about some from of mob rule, which given the stewards heavy-handedness was a great concern.

This isn´t about sitting or standing, it is about a man being victimised by thugs in yellow jackets.

Stop arguing and see the black and white in the argument, anyone who was within 5 rows of this knows what happened and anyone with anything negative to say regarding this man´s behaviour is just looking to make trouble.

I have emailed both Peter Fletcher and Vicky Kloss my version of events and await there response...if any.
You can't get anymore Eye Witness than that.
Matty said:
dom12345 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Glad ive got my padded seat on level 2 when I read this! My feet were killing after standing at Blackburn all game :)

Club needs to sort it at the end of the season.
Or sort it now, make 109 all standing?
The club need to make a call, allow 109 to be a standing block, or insist it's seating only.

Once they make this call (some might say they already have), then they need to enforce whatever decision they make.

However the METHOD of enforcement is clearly not working, and in my opinion, is the incorrect one to use.

IF City have decided there is to be no standing in block 109 then the only way to sensibly enforce it is, again in my opinion, the following:-

1 - Send a letter out to everyone in block 109 stating it's a seated only block. Explain the repercussions should you refuse to sit.

2 - On match days, reiterate the message from the letter, that 109 is seating only.

3 - Get the stewards to politely, but firmly, from the front row and working backwards, ask the fans to sit down.

4 - For anyone who refuses to sit down, take a note of their seat number and row.

5 - After the game, but prior to the next home match, send out letters to all those who refused to sit. Inform them that, for the next home game, their ticket has been deactivated and they may not attaend the game (only 1 match).

6 - Should people persistently offend increase the match bans, to 2 games, 3 games etc.

7 - Eventually, should someone still refuse to sit, remove their seasoncard completely.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to make people sit, I actually have no strong dfeelings one way or the other, I'll do what those around me do. I'm lucky in respect that I sit so far back in 109 that I never get asked to sit down. What I am saying is that IF the club have made the decision they need to enforce it sensibly, and safely. The method they use at present, which seems to be a mix of intimidation, force and ffan removals, isn't working, causes as many issues as it prevents, and is demonstratively dangerous.

I agree with that thought but I'd get them to get the people in 109 to vote on whether it's standing or seating and enforce what the majority side with.

I'd then offer a relocation for fans who were against this decision and perhaps refund a match ticket as compo.

Then the policy has to be followed, but I'd start with a warning rather than an automatic ban and stewards have to be watchful but lenient and not excessive on trying to stitch people up for stuff.

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