
Stevie B said:
didactic said:
Stevie B said:

Who let the cat out of the cage?

Some right touchy bastards on here, go and fuck some imaginary girls

you cannot judge another man unless you walk in his shoes.

Why imaginary when real women feel better?

True, we shouldn't judge... But Tupac was stupid in that he should of had security around him, a car infront and a car behind, but he didn't... He was stupid....

And You talk yourself up so much about how much pussy you've had/get, I'd like to meet you in town (if you're from manchester) and I'll watch you pull some women.... How's that?

if you get one woman in an hour to date you I'll give you my signed Tupac poster which is framed....

He did have security both infront of his car and behind him by the time they reacted the car had sped off.

I do not talk myself up show me one thread where I have said how much pussy I get? Do I look like a clown to you? You want me to meet you to prove to you how many women I get? Hahaha and this benefits me how? Unless you have not realised I could care less what anyone thinks of me. I know what is what and that is what matters. How old are you 13? Should I kiss girls in front of you too to show I have pulled? Maybe let you sniff my finger?

If I get one woman in an hour? You are either young or a virgin or both? LOL @ a woman to date me in an hour. This gets better there are women everywhere go talk to some its not that hard. Why dont you go pull and not worry about what other men do with their penis?

I dont need anything regarding Tupac from you im not a stan I just appreciate his music as it spoke of my situation more closely than any other artist.
Still avoided the challenge....

My memory is getting old I can't remember him having security that night...

I don't dislike many members on here, infact the one I dislike I actually like... eh? lol...

As for yourself, yes you have "bigged" yourself up many times, I'm not sad enough to roll through your previous post's however I will sum up your time here on BM with one picture:

Dear Walter Mitty,

Stevie is a cage fighter and can be vouched for unlike you. Watch your mouth you fake moron.


SWP's back said:
Dear Walter Mitty,

Stevie is a cage fighter and can be vouched for unlike you. Watch your mouth you fake moron.



But you're a boxer, not a very good one by all accounts but a pugilist all the same - you could take him frank!!!!!
Stevie B said:
Still avoided the challenge....

My memory is getting old I can't remember him having security that night...

I don't dislike many members on here, infact the one I dislike I actually like... eh? lol...

As for yourself, yes you have "bigged" yourself up many times, I'm not sad enough to roll through your previous post's however I will sum up your time here on BM with one picture:


He had security that is well known but the car that had the shooter pulled up alongside his and the arm came out the window and shoot through the door.

Like I said show me the thread where I have "bigged" myself up, qoute them. I dont care you are cage fighter am I supposed to be scared of you? You are a grown man asking a stranger on a football forum to meet you and prove that he can get girls and you want me to respect you? You call that a challenge? You sound like a child and should be glad I am even responding to your pathetic shit.

If that picture represents how you feel then so be it why be so emotional? Like I said do not worry about what I do or do not do. If you feel some way about me thats up to you.

I wont be going back and forth with you either as there are too many of you clowns to respond to every day. Just ignore me like I do most of the clowns I do not respect.

I actually have things to do which do not involve inviting men on forums to meet me and let me smell their fingers.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
SWP's back said:
Dear Walter Mitty,

Stevie is a cage fighter and can be vouched for unlike you. Watch your mouth you fake moron.



But you're a boxer, not a very good one by all accounts but a pugilist all the same - you could take him frank!!!!!
Im more of a street fighter.

Think along the lines of Lenny McLean combined with Jason Bourne.
SWP's back said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
SWP's back said:
Dear Walter Mitty,

Stevie is a cage fighter and can be vouched for unlike you. Watch your mouth you fake moron.



But you're a boxer, not a very good one by all accounts but a pugilist all the same - you could take him frank!!!!!
Im more of a street fighter.

Think along the lines of Lenny The Lion combined with David Jason.
SWP's back said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
SWP's back said:
Dear Walter Mitty,

Stevie is a cage fighter and can be vouched for unlike you. Watch your mouth you fake moron.



But you're a boxer, not a very good one by all accounts but a pugilist all the same - you could take him frank!!!!!
Im more of a street cleaner.

Think along the lines of Lenny McLean combined with Jason Bourne.

I'm just posting in here to get my name in the history books before this goes into the classic threads.


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