
That shopping trip bullshit infuriated me. People dying and you give a shit about a new fucking handbag. Vacuous whore. Given the prominence her comment has had, she should be ashamed.
Army have taken over CNN Turk channel.

That's it. The yanks will go in now!!!!

Shit, just had that feed, i'll make a network link for it if they still have cams up. Just about to make one for fox|HD news, the arabic chan that seems in the thick of it...2 secs.
BBC News 24 is spouting some fearful bullshit. Cranking up Daesh threat to 11 rather than report what's going on.
That shopping trip bullshit infuriated me. People dying and you give a shit about a new fucking handbag. Vacuous whore. Given the prominence her comment has had, she should be ashamed.
Thank Thatcher.

Her social revolution turned us into a country of self serving, selfish cunts.
Shit, just had that feed, i'll make a network link for it if they still have cams up. Just about to make one for fox|HD news, the arabic chan that seems in the thick of it...2 secs.
Russia Today and CNN US are staying with that feed until it's blocked/shut down.
CNN US Calling there's a mass support movement for the Coup gathering in Istanbul.
They will not succeed!!.

First of all, Turkey is not an Islamic state, as per the Turkey Constitution, Turkey is Secular, Democratic, and Republic.
Second, Islam has nothing to do with all this killing. The West has created all these problems. Starting from Crusader wars that killed millions of innocent peoples, the occupation of the Arab world by the colonial powers, the first and second world wars that killed millions of innocent people, these are all from the west.
Third: The majority of those who have committed crimes in some western cities are, in fact, criminals with criminal precedents and are drug addicted, their crimes are not limited to western cities, but it also includes many Islamic Cities and killed many Muslims. There is a major belief in the Islamic world that these criminals group act in coordination with some western powers!!!, believe it or not.

There are Millions of Christians are living in the Islamic world before and after the beginning of Islam, and they are still living without any problem.
In Islam, and as per the Quran: if anyone killed a person, not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. The Prophet said, “The great sin is to murder a human being".

So, please do not try to be smart when you do not know anything about the subject.
Are you for real?? So our, and probably your own too, engaged in the crusades one way or another almost a thousand years ago, that gives a right for some jihad dickhead to blow up trains, buses, hijack planes, drive a lorry into people and kill a shitload, praise be his mame is cool with that?? What a twat!! Dickheads like you who reason it are part of the problem. IMHO.
Some geezer sitting in CCN Turk studio might be about to read something out?
Can someone fill me in?

I'm thinking it's a military coup to counter Erdogan's Islamist leanings and bring back a more secular state. But I may be wrong. A quick TL;DR would be appreciated.

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