The US needs a nutcase in Turkey to turn Syria and Northern Iraq into hell holes, sponsoring ISIS etc, until such point as they have rendered Syria and Iraq so weak that they can have their Qatar-Turkey pipeline as wished.
Once they’ve built the pipeline, they can get rid of the nutcase.
The only reason to get rid of the nutcase before then is if stops doing what he is told, stops funding ISIS in Syria or starts being too friendly with Russia again.
Turkey has been in ‘special measures’ ever since shooting down a Russian plane: doing that meant that Putin could tie his hooker up and spank her for being a naughty girl. Something he has performed with admirable professionalism….
The CIA’s aim has been to weaken Western Europe whilst maintaining its stranglehold on its new Eastern European client states on Russia’s borders. It now has a new ‘radioactive crescent’ from Vilnius to Odessa, after all. I”m sure the land there is fairly fertile, but that will become the 21st century ‘United Fruit Company of Europe”s new fiefdom, assuming that it isn’t already complete.
Erdogan will be overthrown when it suits the CIA to overthrow him.