Still not sourced replacement for Stranger Things for me and my 9 year old lad. Season 3 went off somewhere different in style and vibe to the previous two seasons but once I got used to it I really enjoyed it. The last episode was essentially an 80's kids movie in one episode. There's some love and dedication going on there. Of course I'm watching it mainly through my kids eyes (he often places his hands over his eyes watching but I'm just loving the production of it all...the story is frankly ridiculous!).
Might try Dark again but I can't abide dubbed versions and not sure he'll follow subtitles constantly.
The 'Other shows you might like' aren't really convincing me...
Might try Dark again but I can't abide dubbed versions and not sure he'll follow subtitles constantly.
The 'Other shows you might like' aren't really convincing me...