Two journalists have been shot dead during a live TV report

Not at all. If all we are doing is spitballin' then we can go all over the map. I'm just trying to keep it real, because there is a new "guns in America" thread every couple of days on here and the same trite comments are spewed.

I'm not accusing you of ANY of that, because I don't "track" who says what, because I try not to have preconceptions about what anyone posts on any particular thread...I takes 'em as I finds 'em!

As for the deflection and presumption, I was trying to create a point of discussion, as Brits act so "terribly, terribly" about the making of a country and the two main problems that were identified (guns and racism), even though they are the residue of America's colonial past.

In fairness mate the thread is about a gun incident in America, a place that I went out of my way to say I like, if in the future there is a thread on the BNP and you give an opinion I wouldn't feel the need to deflect it by having a pop at Americans, I have just tried to engage on the subject at hand and you seem a bit defensive

I wanted to know about the American psyche on this matter, I will look elsewhere
I get that some Americans would be scared to give up their guns if the law was changed because they know that would just leave the criminals armed who definitely wont willingly hand in theirs(it would take a good few years before they see the benefits the first being the most dangerous). What I think the pro-guns people are missing with their favorite argument: "Guns don't kill people, people do" or "If someone wants to kill another person they will use a different weapon anyway"... the problem is guns are way to quick and effective at killing people and too easy to obtain, one fit of drunken rage with a gun close by could end in disaster for themselves in a very short space of time. Over here we've banned most weapons not just guns, so even carrying a knife, cosh etc will land you in trouble, this means you really have to go out of your way to even arm yourself with anything before you even begin and there's a good chance you will get busted just for trying to do that. There's still headcases who manage to arm themselves with guns here and go off killing people but they are dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Nothing to argue with. The first step HAS TO BE to enact much stiffer penalties for illegal use or display (as in used in a crime, but not loaded) of a gun. As those laws attempt to squeeze illegal guns out of society, then we can have a serious discussion about legal guns and the type of controls reasonable people can find reasonable. Therein lies a problem, because there are tens of millions of Americans who believe ownership of a gun is their basic right with a Constitution that states the Government cannot infringe upon that right.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Nothing to argue with. The first step HAS TO BE to enact much stiffer penalties for illegal use or display (as in used in a crime, but not loaded) of a gun. As those laws attempt to squeeze illegal guns out of society, then we can have a serious discussion about legal guns and the type of controls reasonable people can find reasonable. Therein lies a problem, because there are tens of millions of Americans who believe ownership of a gun is their basic right with a Constitution that states the Government cannot infringe upon that right.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Why can't you amend the Constitution to remove it?
Some people who study history feel like Britain is to blame for both issues, but we'll survive just fine.

Oh come on now that's just ludicrous, I can only think you're bizarrely trying to link this to the American Revolution, it's funny to me how often this is brought up to justify pretty much anything. We "Britains" have a long long history(much bigger more significant things happened, this war is rarely covered as a result), your country was relatively born yesterday, we still don't use anything like that as a excuse to hide behind though, every generation has to take responsibility for themselves.

Edit: Ah actually ok deceleration of independence, constitution and what not, not so bizarre then... but what did everyone having the right to guns have to do with Britain though?
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In fairness mate the thread is about a gun incident in America, a place that I went out of my way to say I like, if in the future there is a thread on the BNP and you give an opinion I wouldn't feel the need to deflect it by having a pop at Americans, I have just tried to engage on the subject at hand and you seem a bit defensive

I wanted to know about the American psyche on this matter, I will look elsewhere
Now who's being a little touchy?

Didn't intend to antagonize. As I said, just want to keep it real, because the conversation about guns on here usually runs from "Americans...fucking crazy" to "Americans...absolutely fucking crazy!"

FWIW, I'm English and moved here for Uni and stayed for work, raising my family in the Chicago burbs. The gun problem in some places in greater Chicago is extreme, so I hear plenty about it. And, in the interests of full disclosure, I am a trained gun owner, with an H&K USP .40 LEM and a .40 cal Gen 4 Glock 23. So, I hope I can see this issue from both sides, because that is certainly what I try to do here, even if my contribution on the subject here is often to provide "balance" on only one side of the discussion as a makeweight to the overwhelming anti-gun sentiment on here.
Why can't you amend the Constitution to remove it?

You can, of course, as has been done with other Amendments. The teeny tiny problem with that rather simplistic question, though, is the "you." Don't forget, we have had multiple Presidents shot and nothing has been done. So, what threshold event creates the public groundswell that overcomes the Comstitutional freedom imperative and then translates into the overwhelming political desire to repeal it? Also, how do you address the aftermath? Civil war?
Oh come on now that's just ludicrous, I can only think you're bizarrely trying to link this to the American Revolution, it's funny to me how often this is brought up to justify pretty much anything. We "Britains" have a long long history(much bigger more significant things happened, this war is rarely covered as a result), your country was relatively born yesterday, we still don't use anything like that as a excuse to hide behind though, every generation has to take responsibility for themselves.

Edit: Ah actually ok deceleration of independence, not so bizarre then... but what did everyone having the right to guns have to do with Britain though?
Why is there a Second Amendment?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now who's being a little touchy?

Didn't intend to antagonize. As I said, just want to keep it real, because the conversation about guns on here usually runs from "Americans...fucking crazy" to "Americans...absolutely fucking crazy!"

Actually it is true there was alot of that going on in this thread but I don't think they are writing off the whole of the USA in those statements just reactionary comments to what they've just seen.
Why is there a Second Amendment?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Are there actually any Militias in the USA, real ones I mean? There's a difference between a Militia and just letting everyone have guns I would have thought. Also I'd rather have a trained professional army do the "security" and any shooting that needs doing. Seems very outdated to me all of the logic for having guns readily available for the general public pretty much(maybe exaggerating there).

Anyway I think we can leave this conversation here, it's sad what happened, kind of wishing I resisted the curious urge to watch the footage, feels bad like we're participating in turning a tragedy into some form of shock entertainment.
Are there actually any Militias in the USA, real ones I mean? There's a difference between a Militia and just letting everyone have guns I would have thought. Also I'd rather have a trained professional army do the "security" and any shooting that needs doing. Seems very outdated to me all of the logic for having guns readily available for the general public pretty much(maybe exaggerating there).

Anyway I think we can leave this conversation here, it's sad what happened, kind of wishing I resisted the curious urge to watch the footage, feels bad like we're participating in turning a tragedy into some form of shock entertainment.

I suppose though if you have a hard core of the population that will fight to keep their weapons especially with such a large population it would be carnage, whether that figure is 1% or 5% is doesn't bare thinking about

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