Two journalists have been shot dead during a live TV report

It's a little naive to think gun control resolves the problem in the U.S. Are nutcases like yesterday suddenly going to stop using guns because it's against the law? Those that want to use guns, will continue to use guns, just illegally. All gun control will do is remove them from those that probably won't use them anyway. It's a step in the right direction, but not a resolution.

The argument is generally one of the most ill thought out that pro-gun lobbyists in the States use. There's numerous reasons here but we can make a list.

  • Supply and demand dictates that a restriction on gun circulation would increase the price of them both legally and illegally, potentially removing access to many of the "nutjobs" who are generally low income people who developed mental health issues. Aren't many billionaires going on gun rampages.
  • The restriction of supply of guns is a generational thing and not an instant thing. The purpose is to slowly reduce the amount of guns that are in circulation with undesirable individuals such as the nutjobs, gangbangers, etc. Through various gun amnesties, buy backs, registrations, seizures and other programs shown to work in places like Australia, the point is to drop gun related crimes over the next 25 years rather than 25 days.
  • You've misunderstood the issue in that gun legislation isn't to stop people using guns, it's to stop nutjobs having easy access to guns. It is not a ban anybody is asking for it's people asking for more stringent regulation in both the sale, tracking and storage of weapons.
  • Whether anybody likes it or not, whilst America sits banging on about a nearly 300 year old document and an amendment designed to prevent an invasion from the British, people are dying every single day. Innocent people like this woman or kids in school or colleges. Their blood is shed because a portion of the US is so concerned with their "rights" that sensible gun policy is not possible.
You're correct that there's a gun problem in the US. Where people mistake it though it's not that there's guns in the country but it's that there's nutjobs in the country who point blank refuse any form of serious control on what are essentially instruments designed to kill things extremely easily.
The argument is generally one of the most ill thought out that pro-gun lobbyists in the States use. There's numerous reasons here but we can make a list.

  • Supply and demand dictates that a restriction on gun circulation would increase the price of them both legally and illegally, potentially removing access to many of the "nutjobs" who are generally low income people who developed mental health issues. Aren't many billionaires going on gun rampages.
  • The restriction of supply of guns is a generational thing and not an instant thing. The purpose is to slowly reduce the amount of guns that are in circulation with undesirable individuals such as the nutjobs, gangbangers, etc. Through various gun amnesties, buy backs, registrations, seizures and other programs shown to work in places like Australia, the point is to drop gun related crimes over the next 25 years rather than 25 days.
  • You've misunderstood the issue in that gun legislation isn't to stop people using guns, it's to stop nutjobs having easy access to guns. It is not a ban anybody is asking for it's people asking for more stringent regulation in both the sale, tracking and storage of weapons.
  • Whether anybody likes it or not, whilst America sits banging on about a nearly 300 year old document and an amendment designed to prevent an invasion from the British, people are dying every single day. Innocent people like this woman or kids in school or colleges. Their blood is shed because a portion of the US is so concerned with their "rights" that sensible gun policy is not possible.
You're correct that there's a gun problem in the US. Where people mistake it though it's not that there's guns in the country but it's that there's nutjobs in the country who point blank refuse any form of serious control on what are essentially instruments designed to kill things extremely easily.

You know shit's about to get real when Damocles busts his bullet points out. Pardon the pun.

I agree with 98% of the things you have said. However, please don't confuse this as misunderstanding the issue. I'm fully aware what the legislation is for and I fully support it. As I said, it's a step in the right direction and I've no doubt the US will benefit in the long term.

Where we disagree, is the impact we believe it will make on 'nutjobs' access to guns. At the end of the day, if the price goes up, and sales go down, what's going to happen? Eventually the price will come back down and we're back to square one. I know that's an overly simplistic view to take but sometimes "the simplest answer is most often correct".

I remember going to bowlers computer fair with my Dad back in the late 90s and he was offered firearms from someone he'd just bought a scanner from. As daft as that sounds, it was true. That's 90's England with some of the most stringent gun legislation in the world (correct me if I'm wrong).

My point is, good, pass the legislation, bring in gun control, but don't make the mistake of thinking that's problem solved. It's an American way of life, and the law won't be enough to change it. Sadly, as Johnsonontheleft said, I think America is beyond that point, though for the sake of the next generation I hope I'm wrong.
I've watched both videos, what i don't understand is he shoots at her 2-3 times before she starts to run away then another few times while shes running!
how is she still running? obviously having nva been shot or shot at i wouldn't know what it feels like but i could only imagine an intense pain and pretty much just hitting the deck in said pain.
also the camera man goes down pretty fast in comparison to her.
I've watched both videos, what i don't understand is he shoots at her 2-3 times before she starts to run away then another few times while shes running!
how is she still running? obviously having nva been shot or shot at i wouldn't know what it feels like but i could only imagine an intense pain and pretty much just hitting the deck in said pain.
also the camera man goes down pretty fast in comparison to her.

Survival insinct i reckon. Can only compare it to like when i got jumped once, didnt even realised my nose and arm was broken until id legged it about a mile
I've watched both videos, what i don't understand is he shoots at her 2-3 times before she starts to run away then another few times while shes running!
how is she still running? obviously having nva been shot or shot at i wouldn't know what it feels like but i could only imagine an intense pain and pretty much just hitting the deck in said pain.
also the camera man goes down pretty fast in comparison to her.

Stony made a post a couple of pages back. In many ways Tony Montana's final minute is more accurate than what you see in most films. He was coked up but andrenaline is what happens in utter shock. Seems reasonable to me although I didn't watch the video from the killer's perspective.
My point is, good, pass the legislation, bring in gun control, but don't make the mistake of thinking that's problem solved. It's an American way of life, and the law won't be enough to change it.
You're right, of course, but that's no reason not to try. If they don't, the one thing they know for certain is that the exact same shit will still be happening every single day in a 100 years' time (and probably on a much worse scale). The short-term benefits will be negligible, but by taking action now, they may just be able to make sure that future generations have a different attitude. It has to start somewhere.
You're right, of course, but that's no reason not to try. If they don't, the one thing they know for certain is that the exact same shit will still be happening every single day in a 100 years' time (and probably on a much worse scale). The short-term benefits will be negligible, but by taking action now, they may just be able to make sure that future generations have a different attitude. It has to start somewhere.

Fully agree.

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