Two journalists have been shot dead during a live TV report

I honestly cant get my head around how the Sandy Hook massacre didnt bring in any changes. If 20 six year olds being murdered wont do it, i really cant see what can
Just watched the gunmans video, what a complete fruit loop and coward, there is no way they will get rid of guns in America, but that unfortunately is something they will have to live with as their kids are murdered!!
Horrible thing to happen and there seems plenty of evidence that the guy was a fruit-loop.

I know I shouldn't but I did have a chuckle at the thought of someone running amok with a semi-automatic in the Sunday Supplement studio when Barclay, Cuntstis and Ashton were on the panel.
They had this on Qi a few years ago. It's a Hollywood myth that people fall over or get blasted backwards when they've been shot. Unless they hit the brain, heart or sever your spinal cord, the chances are that you'll still be able to move. In other words, still be able to run away as fast as you can.
Even if you get shot by one of the high velocity assault rifles that are issued to the majority of the worlds armies, the chances are unless it hits a vital organ you will survive. Military thinking being that if you wound a man you take him and the people who will be tending his wounds out of the battle, and then use up even more of your enemies valuable resources treating him whilst he recovers. They've had to rethink it in Afghanistan, and it's likely they will be changing back to a higher calibre round.

Thanks for clearing that up stony

Without sounding grim when watching that video I expected to see one shot and her on the floor

So upsetting
Compare and contrast;

President Barack Obama repeated his call for tougher gun laws after the attack.

"We're willing to spend trillions of dollars to prevent terrorist activities, but we haven't been willing so far at least to impose some common sense gun safety measures," he said.

However Republican presidential hopefuls Jim Gilmore and Ben Carson have warned against any rush to introduce tougher gun controls.

"We're not going to let this madman take away the lawful rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. We're going to stand up for the second amendment," Jim Gilmore, a former governor of Virginia, told CNN.
Sadly America is too far gone to sort the gun situation now. Ban guns and all you are doing is taking them away from law-abiding citizens. Guns will still exist but it's the criminals who will have a monopoly on them.

I'm glad the UK is not like the USA when it comes to guns but I can understand why law-abiding American families are quite literally 'up in arms' about having what they see as the best protection for their family against a house invader taken away.

In theory gun control is great but in practise it will never work.
Yet has consistently worked in every other country that's tried it.

I guess this is that "American Exceptionalism" that the neo-cons so heavily invest in

But has every other country that's tried it had gun related crime on the same scale as the U.S?

It's a little naive to think gun control resolves the problem in the U.S. Are nutcases like yesterday suddenly going to stop using guns because it's against the law? Those that want to use guns, will continue to use guns, just illegally. All gun control will do is remove them from those that probably won't use them anyway. It's a step in the right direction, but not a resolution.

FWIW, I've no idea what the resolution is.
I am so accustomed to these tragedies now it seems like I'm living out a post apocalyptic scene in Brazil. Gun control is only part of the problem. The mental health care system in this country has got gapping holes in it. But rather than identify the problem, they will probably do away with health privacy laws and inforce a deterrent policy that is a cross between Minority Report and A Clockwork Orange.

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