Two people (34 y/o woman, 11 y/o girl) stabbed in Leicester Square

Sadly true , within minutes of this story breaking it was a full out social media war about the colour and ethnicity of the attacker.
This is how fucked up this right wing racist narrative is.
The non white population of the UK is roughly 18%. The non white population will commit crimes in proportion to their number.
Are we going to have riots every time a non white or Muslim Briton commits a crime?
Impressive that he can tell that from a photo and a first name.

Terrible thing to happen, shame it went straight down that old line of division.

To be fair, as I like to be, even for wankers like Tommy. It turns out that somebody faked a post on the guy’s Twitter who saved the stabbed people, saying… Ismail Haniyeh ( ex leader of Hamas ) is my hero.

And that was what Robinson was referring to. He’s since deleted it.
To be fair, as I like to be, even for wankers like Tommy. It turns out that somebody faked a post on the guy’s Twitter who saved the stabbed people, saying… Ismail Haniyeh ( ex leader of Hamas ) is my hero.

And that was what Robinson was referring to. He’s since deleted it.

I'm glad you follow him so I don't have to, thank you for your service.
I don't know if they will always kill innocent people. For example Britain today is perhaps more likely to prevent innocent people from dying today than when the death sentence was in place (obviously the US is a basket case so we can't talk about there).

I am Irish and if there was the death sentence here I'd be fine with that providing that it was well governed. Ireland was guilty of awful mismanagement in the past but I think it has much better systems in place today to avoid them (basically we don't have the church involved so such a degree).

Anyway it's not going to change because I want it to.
Yeah, Jobstown was about 7 years ago now.
Fuck me, the world's a terrifying place.

Abdullah and those who helped him deserve all the praise. It takes so much courage to put yourself in danger to save someone else. I saw a clip of an interview with him where he was pretty clear that he saw it as his moral duty to protect someone who was under attack. We need more people like him in the world.

I'm always reluctant to leap to the conclusion that these sorts of incidents are mental illness related (while of course acknowledging that mental health provision in this country has never been great and has seriously fallen off in recent years). It takes a very specific and rare presentation of a mental illness to truly drive someone to a horrific act like this. People with mental illnesses are far more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators of violent acts and it feels too easy to attribute acts of evil to psychological problems without significant evidence.

I've had my fair share of mental health problems, as have no doubt many others here, not to mention relatives and friends. And like most who find themselves in that position, the only person I've ever even come close to harming is myself.

It's hard to imagine someone who is in touch with reality doing something so awful, but it happens.

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