UCL away criteria - disgrace

sniff said:
i kne albert davy said:
sniff said:
Oh ok, i see, your trying to be funny. well read it again , get the point of what im saying...... take a seat, shut the fuck up.

no my friend i'll just repeat part of your post "You have to ask yourself how many of these people went to every cup game at home last year the FACT is everyone moaning about it now didn't" well sorry to say the FACT is your posting bollocks i'm afraid because i known quite a few who went to every game and haven't joined 1 or more of the cup schemes.I take my seat now see you in Munich or Benidorm not doing Naples.

Are you everyone ? no you are not. So you went, well done pat on the back, big clap for you.

The point was that not every season card holder did, and that certainly included the higher point holders. If they did they must have been dressed as blue seats.

Many pick and choose what games to go to, some who posted on here saying that, are now stumped because they assumed their point swould allow them to do the same this year.

What you point is regarding friends who went but didnt sign to the cup scheme is about ? you need to fill me in. If they didnt sign up and are unhappy, well thats their fault, not like it was a suprise.
Ah i think i'm getting the jist of it now when you said everyone you didn't mean everyone just everyone who's moaning on here and you know for a fact everyone moaning on he is the everyone who didn't go to every cup game, no bloody wonder i got a bit confused i must apologise my fault.
chill, boys, our cup attendances are poor, the club have decided on a way of increasing them. I have dropped a bollock, not in CL cup scheme but in League and Fa Cup schemes because promised my daughter I would take her to all the CL games and did not want my own seat.
Going to Munich on somebody elses, ticket if youve got the history youve got freinds with the points. 5600 points not gone Platinum I deserve one.
MainstandDan said:
chill, boys, our cup attendances are poor, the club have decided on a way of increasing them. I have dropped a bollock, not in CL cup scheme but in League and Fa Cup schemes because promised my daughter I would take her to all the CL games and did not want my own seat.
Going to Munich on somebody elses, ticket if youve got the history youve got freinds with the points. 5600 points not gone Platinum I deserve one.
Agreed mate and i've dropped exactly the same bollock,i'm in league and FA cup schemes but didn't join Euro don't really know why to be honest( tight Bastard maybe) as chances are i'll be working local this season so i'll be going to em all anyway,and i'll got same solution to away tickets know loads with similar points to me who won't travel away bit of a pisser giving them free points but hay ho just a bit worried if we progress to semis or dare i say final could be in the shit then.
the second tier is the problem where were not seeling 141 seats + empty in nearly each block up there even some on the CB blocks are shockin,
i keep reading how cup schemes will increase attendances etc, you have to be in them etc, but nobody has mentioned those who cannot commit to them or cannot afford them, as much as we are encouraging some fans, isn't there a danger many will feel alienated.

why would someone who isn't in the cup scheme come to the napoli game, the club have basically said forget about final tickets, where is their motivation going to come from for those fans.

money is now god, sadly not everyone has got it in abundance.
fathellensbellend said:
i keep reading how cup schemes will increase attendances etc, you have to be in them etc, but nobody has mentioned those who cannot commit to them or cannot afford them, as much as we are encouraging some fans, isn't there a danger many will feel alienated.

why would someone who isn't in the cup scheme come to the napoli game, the club have basically said forget about final tickets, where is their motivation going to come from for those fans.

money is now god, sadly not everyone has got it in abundance.

why would someone who isn't in the cup scheme come to the napoli game.

Because after 30 years of watching City and taking my son for 7yrs we are finally there! Dad - do you think we will ever be in the champions league - course we will son! ;-)

Why would anyone without a seasoncard go and watch City v Swansea? Cos I'm CTID Full Stop
bzekosilva said:
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
bzekosilva said:
i saw on another thread it was between 25 and 30 people lol :)

But as one of the perks is being able to be on the same flight as the squad when travelling abroad, realistically how many could have been invited and the club ensure they could honour that promise ? We must take around 50 to 60 staff and players on that flight so how many does the plane hold, I'm guessing around 150, all of a sudden 25 to 30 could be a high percentage take up ? We would need to know how many were actually offered to make any judgement on how superbia was recieved

as far as i was aware they offered it to quite a few lot of my friends with over 6000 were offered it seems like it was anyone home adn away by that criteria but for £2500 quid no wonder bout 30 ppl took it :)

Without being pedantic, i doubt none of your friends were offered it, you didnt even have a season card last season :)

Plus being from north wales would seriously limit your knowledge of superbia members. :)
-- Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:49 am --

Corky said:

You cant really say that, as maybe the case 250 were offered out, and 25 took them, which im led to believe.
mcfcliam said:
welcometomanchester said:
stonerblue said:
this op seems obsessed with tickets, points and attendances. Well tou're wasting your time. Never will everyone be happy with the ticket situation and there will always be people missing out or getting tickets that others feel they 'dont deserve'.
The club cannot keep everyone happy but they're doing a good job of trying.

Alright, you've made your point clear now...you think it's a shit thread, diddums.

I'll post my opinions when I like and if you don't like it, don't read or add a shit post to it.

I'm making a valid point so leave it out?

Now where did i say it was a shit thread? I said you're wasting your time.

You could call the clubs ticket policy 'disgraceful' before every game that's sold out if you want because somewhere a loyal Blue will have missed out on a ticket..
As a certain Mr Jagger once sang, you can't always get what you want, and stamping your feet about it before starting a thread calling the club 'disgraceful' aint gonna change that one bit.
If you want to go to these games you will find a way!

I have only 2000+ points and not on scheme but I will be there, ticket or no ticket!<br /><br />-- Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:13 am --<br /><br />But I agree the scheme is not being run very well at all!!
mcfcliam said:
sniff said:
mcfcliam said:
This cup scheme only policy is a complete and utter farce and I'm on the scheme!

Yeah, fair enough, they did warn us but I didn't expect it to be cup scheme members only.

What happens to someone on 6k+ points not on the cup scheme?

Shocking...hope they change it for the next 2.

Did you make a complain in the FA cup semi or final.....? that was the time to do it.

It's way to late now, and it's not like their wasnt enough warning.

I know.

I don't want to come across like I'm moaning but I know a few loyal fans who will miss out now and it's not fair.

I thought they would have at least put it on sale to non-members after the cup scheme had their priority.
Should have joined if they're that loyal because obviously they'll be going to the home games aswell
Just to add ,those who can't commit financially or for work reasons that are moaning are still willing to miss a couple of days work at the cost of maybe £300.
2 days work = 2 CL home games for those who live a distance from City
£300 = 10 CL home tickets, less than the cup scheme will cost all season

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