UEFA Disciplinary Hearing today

I don't get why people still go on about the fine we got for being late back for the second half. It's a clear rule that's in place and anybody that breaks it is fined. It's that simple. We used to push the time to the very edge constantly under Mancini, i remember watching tunnel cam and the refs would regularly warn us we were in danger of being fined for late arrival for the second half. Being fined more for that than Porto were for racism only shows how little UEFA truly care about trying to eradicate racism from football. The hulk thing, nothing came of it, That was Porto being petty and/or not understanding the chant. And the paper airplane fine was deemed as throwing missiles onto the field of play. It was harmless fun at the time but again, it's a rule that we technically broke and can't really argue at the punishment for it.
I don't get why people still go on about the fine we got for being late back for the second half. It's a clear rule that's in place and anybody that breaks it is fined. It's that simple. We used to push the time to the very edge constantly under Mancini, i remember watching tunnel cam and the refs would regularly warn us we were in danger of being fined for late arrival for the second half. Being fined more for that than Porto were for racism only shows how little UEFA truly care about trying to eradicate racism from football. The hulk thing, nothing came of it, That was Porto being petty and/or not understanding the chant. And the paper airplane fine was deemed as throwing missiles onto the field of play. It was harmless fun at the time but again, it's a rule that we technically broke and can't really argue at the punishment for it.

So CSKA....
No but I think that given that Infantino has been quoted as saying today that fans do have a right to boo, and given he is the acting head of uefa? then I think we have our answer

I have just had a look at their official site and we are not mentioned, I wonder if it is going to be quietly dropped and only mentioned if the press ask about it, if they do Uefa then say that it was merely mentioned in the report but they were never going to take action ?

I am probably well wide of the mark and as I type they are probably banning us from Europe for three years but !!!!
No but I think that given that Infantino has been quoted as saying today that fans do have a right to boo, and given he is the acting head of uefa? then I think we have our answer
Might we all be made to attend behaviour improvement classes, then anyone arriving late or leaving early could receive a fine?
No but I think that given that Infantino has been quoted as saying today that fans do have a right to boo, and given he is the acting head of uefa? then I think we have our answer

And then the bastard will still go and fine us. Is there a history on the Uefa website of 'other' teams who have been fined for late second half kick off. I got the impression at the time that they were just using some obscure rule to screw more money out of us!

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