UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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What's happening to City is profoundly disgusting. Their FFP scam is the trademark of an utterly corrupt world where our own national broadcaster leads the media chorus of haters of our club and country. We've been under the cosh from the off, just sucks the joy out of being a blue and turns us into haters too.
I've never been one for conspiracy theories, but it's clear that there's a concerted attempt from powerful sources in football, abetted by compliant allies in the media, to saw City off at the knees. No coincidence that it comes when we've reached a point at which, on and off the field, we've created a set-up giving us a decent opportunity to be the most successful club in England over an extended period.

No one, as far as I've seen, has so far looked at what the accusations against us mean. The fundamental allegation which UEFA are now investigating is essentially that MCFC concealed shareholder funding from its auditor under the guise of bogus sponsorship contracts and then presented the auditor's opinions to UEFA with a view to avoiding or mitigating punishment for a breach financial regulations. When they say we're 'cheats', that's what they're saying we've done.

I'm going to get a bit legal here. Apologies for that, but I can't avoid it. There's an offence under section 17 of the Theft Act under which it's a criminal offence punishable by up to seven years' imprisonment if "a person dishonestly, with a view to gain for himself or another … makes use of any account, or any such record or document as aforesaid, which to his knowledge is or may be misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular": https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/60/section/17. Further, section 18 of the same Act clarifies that "offence committed by a body corporate under section 17 of this Act is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or any person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence, and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly": https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/60/section/18.

To my reading, that quite clearly would cover MCFC knowingly providing false documents to UEFA to avoid a fine or get a lesser one. So, in other words, the corollary of the allegation made against us by Der Spiegel and widely repeated over several months throughout the UK media is that the City directors who dealt with UEFA have committed a serious dishonesty-based criminal offence for which the punishment can be a lengthy term in jail.

Let's look at who they're accusing of that. MCFC's directors include Simon Pearce and Khaldoon, both key figures in government circles in the UAE. But more than that, the offence applies to any "other similar officer of the body corporate". To my mind, though I can't find case law on the point, this is likely to include what under UK company law is called a "shadow director". And this makes it even more interesting.

A shadow director, in relation to a company, is "a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company are accustomed to act". That will include Mansour - and, if our detractors are correct that Mansour is merely a front for the emirate of Abu Dhabi, it could go higher than that. And it seems to me highly likely that, given the reputational issues involved, that someone very senior in Abu Dhabi will have been involved in giving MCFC's directors a steer with respect to our FFP issues.

So will they have twigged back in Abu Dhabi that senior government figures and potentially even one or more members of the ruling family are being labelled criminal fraudsters by that august institution, the British press, egged on by our footballing enemies? Bet your fucking life they will. And that makes it personal.

Which gives rise to the question of how they'll react. Now, we've noted - to the frustration of many on here, including me - that our owner and stakeholders seem to dictate a rather nicey-nicey approach as a preference, even in situations where many fans might prefer us to show a bit more aggression. I don't know anything about Emirati business and culture so stand to be corrected by anyone who does, but I'm led to believe that they can, in contrast to their preferred mode of operation, they can be utterly ruthless when they feel they've been provoked.

In my opinion, that's where we are now. I don't, unlike one post I saw this morning, worry that our owners and stakeholders will lose heart. In my opinion, the gloves will come off. I'm not saying that we'll emerge unscathed, and, with the powerful forces ranged against MCFC, there's scope for us to suffer tremendous damage. But I doubt our owners/stakeholders will take this lying down.

I don't know how it will pan out, but I think it could get nasty. And I'd bet heavily that if, in the end, we do go down, we'll take others down with us.
The game is up. Doesn't matter what we do now.

England's three biggest football club fanbases will be mobilised against us with a barrage of claims. They will be whipped up and cajoled by key people in the media. UEFA and the Premier League have broken. We'll be left with an emasculated football club when this done. That is how politics works in this country now. Now you know what it is like to be a 2nd class citizen in this country.

The facts do not matter. This is the era of social media. We have been set up as the guilty party and they are cleaning up the game. In reality it is the other way around.

I'm not giving up of course. I've endured worse as a City fan. But I know what is coming.

I just hope that when they are finished with us I still have a football club left to support. It would not surprise me at all that our officials etc will be disqualified from football. To make this work they have to drag us through the mud and they will. The process started a decade ago, but almost overnight we were hijacked and I never saw it coming.

I'm like you all. I was there at all our darkest and greatest moments over the last 40 years but it feels like its coming to an end. How can we go on beyond this when the game will no longer feel fair, and yet I feel we are obliged to otherwise we are broken and the past meant nothing. It does. Dickov scoring that goal, it meant something.

Apologies for posting this. I've just let the nonsense flow but I am sickened with the football authorities.

Of course I am going to the game later today as I always have. And I always will. I don't know how I will feel after the game. Hopefully my determination will be doubled and my love for City will be redoubled, but this morning I am tired.

The worst thing about this all is that we will be painted as the villain when in truth Manchester city represent the best in football in so many ways but how do you deal with these preachers in the press and this social media world we live in. The witch-hunt nears its conclusion. The witch is being dragged to the water. It does not give up on life as it is dragged to the water but it feels very angry indeed.

We are owned by an Arab. Now you are all metaphorically Arab and you will feel injustice. it is about to be served.

Apologies for the heart-felt rant. I'm truly angry and don't know what to do as the wolves close in. Hopefully my team today will bite back, but I fear it's temporary.

Something has to be done boys. I don't know what it is but we can't allow this club of ours that we have loved all our lives to be treated like this. What is to be Done?

I could go into a really detailed response to the above but won’t.

We’re all tired of it but we knew it was coming; we’re now in the middle of a perfect storm and we need to ride this out.

It is clear that certain clubs have a petty vendetta against us as they feel threatened. The lick spittle press fuel it for them - and that will be my mantra to anyone who cites these investigations as a stick to beat our club with.

Repeat it as often as you can : it’s a petty vendetta by certain clubs which is fuelled by the lick spittle press. Get it out there on social media.

Short and to the point - that’s what people will take on board.

Illegitimi non carborundum - don’t let the bastards grind you down!

Glad to see you’re going to the game later (as am I) and that your love for City has been redoubled - keep hold of that. We’ve been through darker days when we plummeted to the 3rd division but we still prevailed - and we will again.

It’s time to remind the rest of the football world why we were considered the best fans - because we stuck with our club NO MATTER WHAT.

CTID - and beyond!
That's the thing, the more certain people push, the more others push back.

It will not be safe soon for sections of the media and fans visiting the Etihad.

Some Blues will undoubtedly start lashing out.

Oh to be back at Maine Road where the press resided in the Main Stand.
I’m far from convinced that it matters what the City angle is. We saw the agenda in full war cry yesterday. Chelsea stitched up (where Barca and Madrid have been allowed to carry on buying) in order to set a precedent to then apply to us, the Times (allegedly) ringing round our PL rivals one by one to orchestrate collective action. These fuckers - the G14 - cannot compete with us and this is their only remaining chance to kill us off. Not ban us for 12 months. Kill us off. Long term ban from the CL, transfer ban of 3 to 4 windows, and reputational damage that is terminal. The aim will be to get Pep, Kev, Bernie, Raz, et al, to leave, and to dissuade others from signing once those bans are eventually lifted, maybe with another carefully focused piece of FFP tweaking. A temporary blow is no use to the dippers and the rags, or Bayern and Madrid with aging squads, this has to be the coup de grace. I just hope we’ve got some very good lawyers, because the media is ratcheting up the pressure on UEFA by persuading even neutrals that we must “be stopped”. The faux outrage if we are now “let off” with a slap on the wrist, will be off the scale, and I don’t see UEFA making themselves a target by doing so. Football is just about the biggest and most competitive business on the planet and those we have effectively disenfranchised were always going to try and nobble us, but the levels of spite and bitterness have been way beyond anything even most of us envisaged. For me, this ends in a bloodbath. Maybe it’s time for our owners to apply some pressure away from football! My usual negative take I’m sure, but working for HMG for 30 years can turn you into a cynical bastard
You're dead right, while I think we have no real case to answer in any of this if we had impartial fair hearings (certainly compared to what all the others have been upto over the years). We ALL know fair hearings aren't going to happen until we go to court, they may not happen then either but this is where this is heading.

It may not get there with this raft of charges and some deal could be struck but until we go full-on attack into law courts its not going to go away. For the good of football & the normal football fan (although they don't all realise it) we have to win.
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UEFA is doing this to appease the EURO elites. Nothing will happen. UEFA and other football entities are corrupt as hell and definitely don't want the smoke with City. These organizations have too many skeletons in their closets. I think we will get minimal punishment to be honest so I'm not worried.
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