Well-Known Member
I'm a sick bastard but I am kind of interested to see what 1 season focusing fully on domestic football would look like for us. Guessing we end up with 115 points.
TOLM it’s nit his first offence either , was doing exactly the same last week !
Talksport know exactly what agenda he is going to spout so surely they are culprable!
It’s not the first time they have gone OTT on city without getting there facts straight !
David Silva and his baby etc etc ....
When is enough enough ?
Accor (French hotel chain, 10% owned by QIA, who have two board members. Accor are entering a 1bn deal with QIA to build hotels) - QNB (50% owned by QIA with the remaining %50 regular shareholders (limited to maximum of %25/%49 non-Qataris, can't tell which figure is correct) - and - Qatari Telecom (68% owned by QIA).
The timing of all this is extremely suspect.
Sorry if this has been highlighted already
Blackburn and Chelsea weren’t/aren’t owned by Muslims from the Middle East.
Dan Roan spouting off outside the Etihad now.
The thing about all this that rankles the most is that the arguments are all historic from stuff 5 years ago and subsequently they reneged and changed the FFP requirements for new investors when some of the old G14 clubs couldn't make the break even requirement and went crying to UEFA.
The club have clearly demonstrated financial propriety and management, we are 5th on DeLoittes list and are one of the fastest growing football brands with a turnover that will exceed 600 Million this year, have never broken a transfer record, clearly made substantial profits for the last 3 seasons and therefore piss the break even requirement so beloved of these arseholes, yet we are vilified as cheats based on rules that no longer exist without the truth being heard on the basis of conjecture and rumour mongering among the press and their "sources". I sincerely hope we fully nail their fucking hat on when the time comes.
Clear and concise by Prestwich Blue.
Are City really facing a potential Champions League ban?
It was never edited out.