UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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You don't think we have been successful,or that our club is seen as one of the finest and best run on the planet?

That's a question, not an answer.

You stated....
We know what Khaldoon is made of,the last few years have made that very clear.

Really, do we? How the club is run is immaterial to the challenge Khaldoon faces now. Last time he took a "pinch", now they're back again, from a cursory analysis, if one were forced to come to a conclusion, that now looks like a mistake, either way nothing Khaldoon has done inspires confidence that he'll do the right thing now, whatever the right thing is in these circumstances.

Khaldoon is smart, very smart, but he's a powerful Gulf Arab and his boss is an even more powerful Gulf Arab, in their business dealings they look medium to long term, they're ambitious, up to a point. they're bold with a hint of caution, but more than anything else they avoid conflict, they want to be on the inside, they don't like taking on the powers that be.

I like Emiratis very much and I liked doing business with them. I think Khaldoon is a great Chairman, but dealing with these corrupt Euro sharks? I'm not sure it's his cup of tea.
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I wonder if the hacker (like Assange) will seek political asylam in the Theatre of Dreams
This is strange timing indeed but from UEFA’s point of view.

Galatasaray win a FFP case v UEFA

FFP being ruled on soon in Belgium after it was taken to court AGAIN as illegal.

DS guy found guilty of all sorts and sent back to Portugal for trial.

You would think UEFA would be laying low, at least for now.

What a time to go for City. No wonder City welcome it. It’s like a beaten up drunk deciding to have a go at a UFC fighter.

All for show?
This is what I'm talking abut though.

So it might not be against the letter of the rules for HH to pay us £50m a year by signing a deal with Etihad and giving them the money to give to us, but it's clearly not what FFP has in mind is it? It's very obviously seen as corrupt by anyone outside the City fan base.

So at what point does the damage to our reputation, the hassle of dealing with accusations and investigations, become more costly than the benefit in extra £ we get by having Eithad sponsor us and not another company?

We aren't going to cut ties to our Abu Dhabi sponser's mate. And we don't know for a fact how much money his highness has given to our sponser's, especially One that is having financial difficultie's. The honourable thing to do, from their point of view I'm certainly is to make sure they can fulfill their financial obligations, to City or whoever else these companies sponsor.
We can question the legitimacy of FFP all we want. We all know it's a farce but we have to follow their rules if we play in their competition.

I want all of our achievements to be celebrated and looked up to by all. Call me soft but I hate when our clubs name is dragged through the mud and you can bet the club do too.

I don't think we'll get punished because it's going over old ground but we could have done without it either way.

Plus it's massively tedious watching know nowt supporters of other clubs devaluing all we've done. The players and staff of this club deserve better than that
Well said, I think we can all agree with you on these points.

Some of us have just about had enough of the way we are treated by the media, the match officials and the administrators. Our Club deserves better, is it any wonder a good number of us have completely given up on the Chumps League as they have treated us more harshly then anybody else.
That's a question, not an answer.

You stated....

Really, do we? How the club is run is immaterial to the challenge Khaldoon faces now. Last time he took a "pinch", now they're back again, from a cursory analysis, if one were forced to come to a conclusion, that now looks like a mistake, either way nothing Khaldoon has done inspires confidence that he'll do the right thing now, whatever the right thing is in these circumstances.

Khaldoon is smart, but he's a powerful Gulf Arab and his boss is an even more powerful Gulf Arab, in their business dealings they look medium to long term, they're ambitious, up to a point. they're bold with a hint of caution, but more than anything else they avoid conflict, they want to be on the inside, they don't like taking on the powers that be.
Perhaps they'll get bored and give it all up ?
If I was advising City I wouldn’t have mentioned the emails at all.

If we state the emails are out of context then we may have to show the context in which they were sent.

I would be delighted to see us aggressively challenge FFP. How much we can challenge FFP may depend on the terms of the original settlement.

What we don’t know is what kind of process this investigation will take. Whether report, investigation or form of tribunal.

Personally I’d like to see the end of FFP in its current form of cartel protection but I don’t think this will be the end of it.

I believe they can drop it, agree sanctions which both party's agree to or pass it on to a higher chamber, who would pass any sanction's, which we could appeal at CAS.
Looking beyond all my wishes I am wondering what the outcome could be. Is there a scenario where UEFA and City can both come out of this with all faces saved? What do people think here? I personally have a hard time seeing that.
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