Dave Ewing's Back 'eader
Well-Known Member
Any half hour of the BBC Six O'Clock news is stuffed with opinion, speculation and often Bullshine Broadcasting Canutes blatant propaganda. They would have trouble with a fact if you projected it onto a parsnip and shoved it up the nearest arse (Clive excepted!).A Liverpool fan from what looks like a fan-cam has just been shown on the main evening news programme saying that there were fake tickets, but that's normal and it shouldn't have held the kick-off up!
I'm puzzled as to how and why this 'fake tickets are normal' narrative has been allowed to gain traction to the point where the BBC are using opinion as fact and without question.
I've never seen or heard of fake tickets in donkeys years at a City match but hey-ho, the public are being misled here that it is the norm when it most definitely isn't!