UFO's real or not?

didactic said:

That is quite poignant. The kids, both black and white together, then what that girl says at 5:54, makes you think... Hopefully these aliens will come back and zap up the bad guys.
Of course they exist, we see many ufo's most are probably new military tests hence "unknown" since we don't know about it.
If you mean do aliens exist then probably yes but we have only broadcast for about 54 years to the heavens. It will need another 100 years or so (minimum) before we could hope for another planet with all the ingredients that could support advanced life forms to get them.
TCIB said:
Of course they exist, we see many ufo's most are probably new military tests hence "unknown" since we don't know about it.
If you mean do aliens exist then probably yes but we have only broadcast for about 54 years to the heavens. It will need another 100 years or so (minimum) before we could hope for another planet with all the ingredients that could support advanced life forms to get them.

perhaps you'd like to write a paper on this planet that you know has water on it.

or are you just bullshitting?
Definitly 100% certain they exist......seen them several times over the years.

And if anyone wants to see them, in the flesh......get to The HMV Ritz on Friday March 30th......Mad Mickey Schenker has long gone, but they are still a top hard rock band.....
corky1970 said:
countless sightings , countless radar contacts, countless military pilots chasing ufo,s documented, countless employees of secret bases claiming alien contacts, countless astronauts, senators, police, films, pictures, government files on the subject.

to dismiss these is quite plainly fucking thick.

there is a case for extraterrestials,

i challenge anyone to look up on you tube " russian mars alien probe attack" and come back with an explanation.
bear in mind these are astronauts claiming contact.

explain please ????

You mean this Corkster?

corky1970 said:
countless sightings , countless radar contacts, countless military pilots chasing ufo,s documented, countless employees of secret bases claiming alien contacts, countless astronauts, senators, police, films, pictures, government files on the subject.

to dismiss these is quite plainly fucking thick.

there is a case for extraterrestials,

i challenge anyone to look up on you tube " russian mars alien probe attack" and come back with an explanation.
bear in mind these are astronauts claiming contact.


Countless eh
Do you know what the word means?

As for your You tube sources they are infantile frauds.
explain please ????
denislawsbackheel said:
corky1970 said:
countless sightings , countless radar contacts, countless military pilots chasing ufo,s documented, countless employees of secret bases claiming alien contacts, countless astronauts, senators, police, films, pictures, government files on the subject.

to dismiss these is quite plainly fucking thick.

there is a case for extraterrestials,

i challenge anyone to look up on you tube " russian mars alien probe attack" and come back with an explanation.
bear in mind these are astronauts claiming contact.


Countless eh
Do you know what the word means?

As for your You tube sources they are infantile frauds.
explain please ????

Any comment on the South Africsn kids' claim backheel?
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand

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