UK far right trouble July/August 24

I lived in social housing when I was a young divorced mum. I worked and my son went to nursery from a very young age.
There were other single parents on the estate that did their best too, but there was definitely a small minority who thought us "stuck up." We weren't, it's just that we kept to ourselves, worked, had boundaries for our kids and didn't spend all day sat in other people's houses slagging off "friends."

Good for you wanting the best for your family.

Your kids were best avoiding that sort as I’m sure you know and I’d bet my house on your kids turning out better than theirs did.

These patterns tend to pass on down generations.
Its Sad what is happening right now. As a British born Asian, I fear for what will happen over the next few weeks/years. Even my kids are afraid. My daughter was in a pub in Droylsden a few weeks ago with my nephew and was confronted by 3 lads in the pub, questioning what they were doing in there. They then said you are ok as you are having a drink but if we saw you out on the street you'd get abuse.

The lads said they voted for Reform as they have promised to get rid of your lot. Thankfully both my daughter and nephew didn't say anything.

These are tough times.
Sorry to hear this mate. these people are a tiny minorty of the thickest people.
Which reminds me. What it is this 2 tier policing Nigel Farage speaks of when we're seeing JSO protestors locked up for 5 years?

It's nonsense, just another buzzword/phrase for the zombie followers to repeat parrot-fashion to justify what they're doing. Another one of those things that if they can get enough to repeat it often enough, more people will think it's true. Then it becomes an issue that needs sorting out.

Similar to what happened when they started off shouting 'stop the boats'.
It's nonsense, just another buzzword/phrase for the zombie followers to repeat parrot-fashion to justify what they're doing. Another one of those things that if they can get enough to repeat it often enough, more people will think it's true. Then it becomes an issue that needs sorting out.

Similar to what happened when they started off shouting 'stop the boats'.
slogan's for simpletons-it does work though....
Good for you wanting the best for your family.

Your kids were best avoiding that sort as I’m sure you know and I’d bet my house on your kids turning out better than theirs did.

These patterns tend to pass on down generations.
They trusted nobody, not even each other. Probably because they had never known any different. It was like a weird collective mindset against everyone.
It's nonsense, just another buzzword/phrase for the zombie followers to repeat parrot-fashion to justify what they're doing. Another one of those things that if they can get enough to repeat it often enough, more people will think it's true. Then it becomes an issue that needs sorting out.

Similar to what happened when they started off shouting 'stop the boats'.


Ah! That makes more sense now you mention it.

I was thinking they were really angry about immigrants bringing over loads of pet goats.

I was thinking, surely that’s a very very niche problem to get wound up about, there can’t be that many people bring goats into the uk.

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