UK far right trouble July/August 24

I'll answer each of your questions in order:

Social media is coordinating them, whether through pernicious bots or pernicious actors (see Farage, Robinson etc.) because there are just enough malleable fuckwits to use as their drones.

They think they're protesting to save kids lives, in reality they're rioting because they're selfish cunts indifferent to ruining people's lives and livelihoods and causing criminal damage; ironically their current actions are endangering kid's lives.

They think if they get rid of anyone who isn't of Aryan stock they will claim their country back, in reality if every first generation and second generation immigrant were deported their lives would still be shit, their communities would still be neglected, and they'd still be feral cunts.

Nothing. They're just desperately stupid.

No fucking idea. It's almost as if the likes of Ian Huntley, Wayne Couzens, Thomas Mair et al wouldn't exist if our country abandoned it's multicultural ethos.

Most of the horrible bastards rioting probably couldn't tell you what right wing even means.
And that is how easy it is to make people think rather than buy the propaganda that is being spewed at them.

Thank you
The free palestine dick on a scrotabike? Masked up gobshyte......that won't help the situation or further relations within communities.

I don't blame them mobbing up though.........I'd do the same but not behave like another ****.

The far right thugs will have incited up so many Muslims - it’s going to get very ugly.

Which is exactly what Musk, Farage and Robinson want.
The big question I have is who is behind these riots. Someone or some body of people has to be in place that helps organisers mobilise people to riot. To do it in so many areas makes me think it has to be coordinated. We know the likes of Farage, Tiny Tommy and media such as GBeebies have influence but on whose behalf are they influencing?

What may you ask are they protesting about?

What do they mean by taking their country back?

Why has the murder of those little Southport girls by a British born Christian led to attacks on Mosques?

What are these legitimate concerns I keep hearing people have?

Undoubtedly there are some far right English White Nationalist Supremacists involved in the riots, but I do not believe that they are in the majority, many I believe are just young disaffected people who are looking for a bit of excitement and Starmer has made a mistake in categorising them all as such. The issue is who is behind these riots and who has the ability to flood social media with misinformation. These people need to be found and held to much higher justice than those who have been cajoled into doing their bidding.

I have watched a number of live streams of these riots and witnessed some things that do not add up. In Blackpool I watched Punks being attacked, one of the group doing the attacking had a Mainoo rag shirt on. A strange thing to wear to a RW protest. How come Manchester and Liverpool, 2 cities that are and have been traditionally virtually free of RW representation on a political level seen the numbers of protestor's and levels of violence that they have had, whilst London has to my knowledge had none.

My biggest concern is right now we are witnessing history being replayed. Like Germany in the 1920s we have endured years of austerity and people are feeling poor and unloved. A new RW party is othering a section of society as scapegoats to be blamed for the ills of the poor, This party now has a Parliamentary representation at a time when you could quite legitimately question the Party of Governments right to be in power and there are worrying signs that that the US economy and therefore the economies of the West face a new Wall Street Crash. Whilst the Labour majority should in theory mean stability in Government are these riots undermining that stability? Have these riots been planned deliberately to undermine the Labour government and if so we come back to one of my early questions.

Why has the murder of those little Southport girls by a British born Christian led to attacks on Mosques?

And also who or whom are behind these protests and what are there motives. Am i reading too much into it, or is it a relevant fear for the country that these peoples use of misinformation is undermining Democracy.
It’s never been about the poor murdered children, that’s the media’s misinformation. This has been brewing for ages, people are very angry for different reasons.
It’s never been about the poor murdered children, that’s the media’s misinformation. This has been brewing for ages, people are very angry for different reasons.
This is bollocks and you know it. If these riots have been "brewing for ages" and have "never been about the poor murdered children", then why did the rioting start in Southport as a direct response to the Southport attacks? And why were the likes of Tommy Robinson, et al spreading false information and egging the riots on as revenge for the attack in Southport.

Edit: Another user who signed up to Blue Moon 10 years ago but has barely touched the forum until they've inevitably cropped up to defend the riots.
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worth remembering that after the 2011 riots Police processed available images and arrests were still being made in late 2012.

Today we have more and better imaging available - anyone who has seen themselves online would be best advised to report to their local Police station - the alternative is many sleepless nights and terror every time the door gets knocked
And likely worse punishment than voluntary presentation.
Totally agree, I’m thinking a revolution is the only way. Somehow the establishment has to understand how the ordinary people feel. Nobody has represented us, the ordinary working people, since after the war. It’s been down hill since then. Apathy, division, self interest, greed, blame, poverty all stopping a movement combining and threatening the establishment with some peaceful measure of direct action to put fear them.

What you legally could do is to start a petition for direct democracy according to the Swiss model, and then get enough people to sign it to then throw this huge petition at the feet of government and argue it should become a binding referendum and see how they react.

True legitimacy comes from the people, and if the people are by vast majority in agreement that they should have a different form of democracy it should be legitimate to abolish the previous one and replace it as long as the system is also within the bounds of human rights and protective enough of the rights of minority groups. That is to say, it is within the philosophy of self determination that this right could not be denied to the people by a class of careerist politicians.

It is a route to a peacefull transformation that can act as a strong vessel for the people to "take their government back". and there is "potential", if the British people can prove smart enough to rule themselves in good order. The Swiss have this empowering form of democracy, and rest assure its not a perfect system, but they arnt doing all that bad for themselves to be fair. It is a system that works somewhat better for the lower and middle class regardless that it isnt a Utopia, because these classes have those politicians more on a short leech. Then again the people then need to take responsibility for their choices, invariably building some tradition and culture of public consciousness and civil responsabillety that can arguably only start when the people also "learn by doing".

Yes its populist, very much so. The people dont get to blame it on the politicians anymore when its self rule, and neither can populist politicians. It takes a lot of sail out of opportunist poppulists if they cant direct their arrows at "some evol government" when it proves that the people ARE the govermetnment, because that would only spawn a reaction of "well F u who you think you are lets get your poppularity rekt".

It kinda love it though, especially if the poppulous would succeed with it too ofcourse, that they can stick it like that to the collectiove class of carreerist politicians and reduce their importance to a fraction of what it was in a dry fashion that has broad democratic support. Just show them the exit door, no guarantee that we wont reduce your pensions a bit either sorry about that.

Mind you, it comes at an ironic time, that just as their is a labor PM that is in power such apparent right wing elements come out of the woodwork to function as a destabilizing element for this "different direction", while apparently also seeming to blame this new govermnment for policies that ran for decades which they actually opposed from the opposition. The smell of this current violent process is quite in contrast with the ideal here put above, it is indeed completely anti-democratic in fashion and seems hostile to a aproach of finding utlillitarian compromises in a diverse enviroment, as a means to do well for all people.

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