UK far right trouble July/August 24

At last, Farage has spoken to quell the flames………..With petrol..
Turns out, it’s all the fault of BLM and, it’s about ALL immigration not just ‘illegal’ immigration. At least he’s put it on HOC paper! I’d imagine he only wants a recall of Parliament so he can use Parliamentary Privilege to Stoke more division.
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What an utter ****. He is fucking loving it, and openly calling for more. And here fucking come the apologists bemoaning the condemnation of their biggotry. And round and round it fucking goes. The WHEEL (to use a for the second time today, Idles reference).
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This is bollocks and you know it. If these riots have been "brewing for ages" and have "never been about the poor murdered children", then why did the rioting start in Southport as a direct response to the Southport attacks? And why were the likes of Tommy Robinson, et al spreading false information and egging the riots on as revenge for the attack in Southport?

I guess you could say it’s been brewing for ages in the sense the country has been permitting the existence of easily misled knuckle-dragging morons for decades now.

I often wonder how much better off we’d be if we enforced participation in a few critical thinking and civil ethics lessons to qualify for an NI number.
What an utter ****. He is fucking loving it, and openly calling for more. And here fucking come the apologists meboaning the condemnation of their biggotry. And round and round it fucking goes. The WHEEL (to use a for the second time today, Idles reference).
When he gets up to speak in the commons and any MP from reform others should just walk out
This is bollocks and you know it. If these riots have been "brewing for ages" and have "never been about the poor murdered children", then why did the rioting start in Southport as a direct response to the Southport attacks? And why were the likes of Tommy Robinson, et al spreading false information and egging the riots on as revenge for the attack in Southport.

Edit: Another user who signed up to Blue Moon 10 years ago but has barely touched the forum until they've inevitably cropped up to defend the riots.
They defecated on the memories of those children and used their demise as a tool to add a false moral weight to their acts of thuggery.
This is bollocks and you know it. If these riots have been "brewing for ages" and have "never been about the poor murdered children", then why did the rioting start in Southport as a direct response to the Southport attacks? And why were the likes of Tommy Robinson, et al spreading false information and egging the riots on as revenge for the attack in Southport.

Edit: Another user who signed up to Blue Moon 10 years ago but has barely touched the forum until they've inevitably cropped up to defend the riots.
Not true, I’m not defending the riots one jot, the riots have been hyjacked by the known racists. I’m looking at the bigger picture and what is happening to this country. You have misunderstood me.
Take it your daughter and nephew didn't fancy having a grown-up discussion about those poor concerned parents' legitimate concerns?

That's a shame to hear blue, stay safe.
This is new for my daughter and nephew. Not really had to deal with anything like this ever in their lives. My daughter & nephew have quite a mixed friends group both here at home and at University.

I'm 52 years old and grew up in the 70's, 80's where we had to deal with. I went to Audenshaw High School where there were hardly any Asians when I was there (5 in my year) - so the P word was extremely common. We learnt to get on with it and I had some good mates who were quite handy but trust me I got a few slaps and handed a few out too.

I thought we were past all that but the last 7 years or so it has started to be normalised again, some politicians and social media have been a massive problem.

Of course there are problems that need addressing but the constant pointing the finger at the non whites for everyone's problem isn't helping. Lets hope there are more grown ups than dicks.
That is legitimately scary.

Living in London is basically akin to living in a bubble. I'm black, but I would say around half my friendship group are Muslims (Somalis, Pakistanis, Egyptians). We're all just carrying on with our lives with very little of this impacting London and the boroughs we live in.

Then I talk to friends who live up north, and they're increasingly getting more and more frightened to step outside out of their houses. Running little basic errands, that none of them would have given a seconds thoughts to before, are now much more of a concern.

I hope you and your family stay safe brother. It pains me to hear stuff like this.
London is fine, my wife is from Leyton and I spend time down there. It is very multicultural and there is an acceptance.

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