UK far right trouble July/August 24

It's retaliation for the racist riots. It wouldn't be happening otherwise.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction etc.
Sadly this is probably exactly what some were hoping for. Interesting again how one set wave the Israel flag and the others the Palestine one - more social media polarisation and importing of an issue from a foreign land which is played out in miniature on our streets.
That's my fiancée now coming to me saying she's tired of being a brown person in the UK and doesn't know what to do with so many racists about. She was born here, has grown up here, lives here, but doesn't feel safe in her own country. Her mum came over from Malaysia in the 70s, her dad fled Uganda as a refugee after escaping Idi Amin. All that history and opportunity, all that sacrifice, and it's wound up with me and my fiancée having tentative discussions about moving to somewhere better, fairer, more tolerant.

But that only wound up with us realising that our options (aside from third world countries) are just bits of Scotland and, much further afield, Canada. Scotland the only realistic option and even then we'd have to live in a city centre to feel like we were in a cosmopolitan area.

Her mum lives in north London and rumours of more riots on Wednesday in places like Lewisham and Harrow have made her frightened of going outside.

Things will go back to normal after a few weeks but regardless, these are upsetting times. The genie is out of the bottle. These thugs are gleeful at the terror they're causing everyday people.

And anyone trying to defend the riots or their causes on this forum needs to hang their heads in shame. Far too many of them still haven't been banned from this forum. If the weeks go by and they're still here I might have to think about whether I want to spend any time here at all.

A shameful, depressing week.
Well said Bob, your girlfriend should not have to feel unsafe and I am sure you will do all you can to protect her as she is beautiful human being.

Aside from Bobs post one thing has been nagging at me for the last few days and I think it is time I prepare myself to run the anti-semitic gauntlet. The Isreal lobby has a huge influence in British politics, if you watch the Labour Files you will see how much influence they have in the Labour party and the Conservative party.

It makes me wonder why the conflict in Palestine is now back page news and who benefits from that.

I am not anti semitic, i think PB will back me up on that, but without doubt Netanyahu and his far right government will have benefited from the change in media focus and the attacks on Muslims help with the demonisation of the Palestinians.

@prestwichblue what do you think pal?
What a depressing state of affairs and everybody involved from both sides are just playing into the hands of agitators and the government. This was predicted to happen a long time ago, as was the financial crash now starting worldwide.
Back to the unrest all that's going to happen is that innocent people trying to go about their daily lives will get seriously hurt if they are unfortunate to stumble upon one of these mobs.
Not sure why you or anyone else is on about “both sides”. What I’m seeing is a large bunch of opportunistic violent thugs being incited by a number of far right agitators. The “other side” as you call them are simply groups that are defending their own communities. Sometimes they are going too far but compared to what the main bunch of thugs are doing its minor stuff, and from what I can see the police are treating all lawbreakers equally as they should.

I’m also puzzled why you think it’s playing into the hands of the government. What benefit do you think the government will get out of it. It’s a huge distraction from their programme.

Finally this financial crash you speak of is not inevitable. So far it’s a significant but relatively minor correction and there’s reasons to believe we may have seen the worst and things will improve.

I’m looking forward to regular reports of the thugs and those that have incited them being arrested, charged and banged up. Will quite enjoy seeing that.

Forgive me on the sources, as Im unsure if they are trustworthy or not, but the first one is showing one guy getting absolutely battered outside a pub and the second is showing innocent peoples cars being attacked, presumably based on race.

Racist thugs on all sides, who are complete idiots. Anyone who does this needs locking up.

God, this is absolutely awful. None of this is helping anybody. Sin begets sin begets sin. Things will get back to normal eventually, but right now it feels like there's just nowhere to go for people who want to get along side-by-side. Hopefully when the schools go back and the rain starts again we can get on with our lives.
No its called an education!

My Great grandad was black, and was lucky enough to serve the British Empire in WW1, my Nana (his daughter was also black) and was lucky enough to be evacuated during WW2, because of her fathers sacrifice. I am now lucky enough to be able to tell my own daughter about what being British means to immigrants!

My daughter understands what it means to wear a Poppy!

Education is free, to anybody who choses to listed!
What British means to the British, you meant ;-)

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