UK far right trouble July/August 24

No its called an education!

My Great grandad was black, and was lucky enough to serve the British Empire in WW1, my Nana (his daughter was also black) and was lucky enough to be evacuated during WW2, because of her fathers sacrifice. I am now lucky enough to be able to tell my own daughter about what being British means to immigrants!

My daughter understands what it means to wear a Poppy!

Education is free, to anybody who choses to listed!
Not sure where you're coming from, your response seems like a non-sequitar? Are you suggesting the host was trying to educate the guest? It's a nice thought, but that caller's mind just isn't salvageable.

And it's nice to hear family histories like yours; that's the kind of stuff that needs propagating on social media.
We've had days of the BAME community being terrified, my wife's family included. Of course I understand why the nobheads on that side want revenge.

I literally said I agreed with what was in the tweet. Stop being dickheads, it's what they want as @Mazzarelli's Swiss Cheese said.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. What’s to understand? It’s thugs targeting innocent people - it’s a funny way of getting so called revenge.

They’re all nobheads.
It’s not retaliation as the link is too tenuous and there haven’t been any racist riots in Birmingham.

You’re right - there’s no excuse for it. It’s all just going to make things even worse. In the same way the far right protestors have damaged their own communities, any Muslims out there causing violence are just going to end up causing more damage to their own community.

It’s an epidemic of stupidity mixed with thuggery and they don’t make for good bedfellows.
Not sure why you or anyone else is on about “both sides”. What I’m seeing is a large bunch of opportunistic violent thugs being incited by a number of far right agitators. The “other side” as you call them are simply groups that are defending their own communities. Sometimes they are going too far but compared to what the main bunch of thugs are doing its minor stuff, and from what I can see the police are treating all lawbreakers equally as they should.

I’m also puzzled why you think it’s playing into the hands of the government. What benefit do you think the government will get out of it. It’s a huge distraction from their programme.

Finally this financial crash you speak of is not inevitable. So far it’s a significant but relatively minor correction and there’s reasons to believe we may have seen the worst and things will improve.

I’m looking forward to regular reports of the thugs and those that have incited them being arrested, charged and banged up. Will quite enjoy seeing that.

I'm not getting into a big debate on here about the government and the financial situation, I have my view, which I posted, others will.dismiss that view. That's their prerogative. The government will use these riots to impose more controls on the country. Starmer has already indicated this will happen. It will. Again just my view.

I suggest you look at what's now happening in Birmingham which as far as I'm aware has had no far right violence. Large groups attacking pubs and camped out on a roundabout attacking any certain demographics who are unfortunate enough to pass through there. I knew this would happen and two wrongs don't make a right.
You’re right - there’s no excuse for it. It’s all just going to make things even worse. In the same way the far right protestors have damaged their own communities, any Muslims out there causing violence are just going to end up causing more damage to their own community.

It’s an epidemic of stupidity mixed with thuggery and they don’t make for good bedfellows.
Thing is, I can see the rationale for young Muslims taking to the streets of Bolton and Middlesbrough in a (misguided) attempt to defend their community. Not defending it, but there is a logic to it.

No such rationale applies in Birmingham.
Whats not been talked about is the paucity of the Labour government's response. Starmer appears like a rabbit in the headlights, Cooper is vacuous and Rayner as much as i like her has been invisible.

I get a feeling, they are almost indifferent to what is happening and as the party who should be representing the working class, they do not seem interested in the working class. When Starmer said he would protect Mosques, quite rightly too, he could have also said he would protect all working class communities from this violence. Working class people are not exclusively white, they are of every colour, creed and religion and all the working class need protection from the disgusting actions of the far right. He could have said his government would protect the places of worship of all religions from attacks by the far right, because the far right will eventually attack synagogues too as the far right love a pogrom against minorities.

There is so much wrong with this country at the moment, there is so much misinformation on loads of subjects that need to be addressed. The economy is shit, the welfare state is the worst in Europe, the NHS is falling apart, our infrastructure is failing, poverty is rising, there is so much that this government needs to do to address these issues but they are being distracted by these riots.

Who benefits, the spivs and con men who took the country for a ride making millions whilst we were locked in our houses, they buy yachts, we get bricks thrown in our communities. They sip champagne whilst our police force is attacked, they live in gated communities whilst ours are being set alight on their behalf so they can avoid justice for their crimes.
so what effects you more, Immigration or rich Torie living behind gates?
That's my fiancée now coming to me saying she's tired of being a brown person in the UK and doesn't know what to do with so many racists about. She was born here, has grown up here, lives here, but doesn't feel safe in her own country. Her mum came over from Malaysia in the 70s, her dad fled Uganda as a refugee after escaping Idi Amin. All that history and opportunity, all that sacrifice, and it's wound up with me and my fiancée having tentative discussions about moving to somewhere better, fairer, more tolerant.

But that only wound up with us realising that our options (aside from third world countries) are just bits of Scotland and, much further afield, Canada. Scotland the only realistic option and even then we'd have to live in a city centre to feel like we were in a cosmopolitan area.

Her mum lives in north London and rumours of more riots on Wednesday in places like Lewisham and Harrow have made her frightened of going outside.

Things will go back to normal after a few weeks but regardless, these are upsetting times. The genie is out of the bottle. These thugs are gleeful at the terror they're causing everyday people.

And anyone trying to defend the riots or their causes on this forum needs to hang their heads in shame. Far too many of them still haven't been banned from this forum. If the weeks go by and they're still here I might have to think about whether I want to spend any time here at all.

A shameful, depressing week.

Sorry to hear that mate.

The fact we’ve found ourselves having the exact same conversation suggests that those conversations are being replicated up and down the country.

The indirect damage to this country that this is going to cause even after the broken glass is all swept up is probably going to take its toll for some time to come.

If they want to reduce net migration then one way of achieving it is to persuade all the people with skills/means that it is a good time to leave. I’m not sure that will have the positive impact they’re expecting though.
Watching the videos, these are youths. Based on height weight build and gait from the way they move. Those juveniles and young persons should have no reason to feel remotely energised or engaged in this nonsense. This is racist shite they should never have been exposed to. Even more depressing

They’ve witnessed the same and probably more all on Twitter and tik tok and think it’s payback, so predictable all this and soon will have murders. News off for a couple weeks might be a good idea.

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