UK far right trouble July/August 24

Been near the Crescent and Liverpool Rd in Salford this morning and there’s loads of police around.
Multiculturalism is our strength but that is about culture and people, the real and only danger is religion. Religion by its very nature often attempts to impose laws and regulations attached to that religion but we can't ever accept that.

Look at all the benefits of freedom of expression and equality that has come from the rejection of Christianity. We shouldn't lose those benefits by the appeasement of any religion that is against those things.
Religion strictly adhered is a real threat especially when some of the leaders preach hate and incite violence.
So far we have Priti Patel attacking Farage, the Mail attacking Musk, Littlejohn attacking Robinson and Fox and Robinson attacking Farage.

You hate to see it happen.
The Mail takes the biscuit for sheer hypocrisy the way they've stoked anti-immigrant sentiment for years and now they're going down the "law and order" path to condemn the rioters.
Given the huge numbers of Chinese immigrants in Manchester, I wonder why they don’t evoke anything like the same visceral hatred we see towards the Pakistani / Muslim population.

The same is true for the Indian, Hindu, East European and Jewish communities that all seem to have integrated relatively peacefully (granted there have been the odd occasion where tensions have arisen).

It seems a particularly Islamist/ Pakistani problem.

Go on, I can see you are dying to tell us.
Been near the Crescent and Liverpool Rd in Salford this morning and there’s loads of police around.

Seems a strange area to be targeted by the knuckle draggers.
I regularly participate in the Parkrun at Peel Park, and walking to and from there, it mainly seems to be student accommodation around those parts.
Religion strictly adhered is a real threat especially when some of the leaders preach hate and incite violence.

It also brings people together, supports those in need, and most moderately religious people (which is the vast majority) are very tolerant, and tend to have similar beliefs.

There are obviously complexities around anything that creates differences between people, but I wouldn't say the dominant culture of any religion in this country is hate or violence. I'm an atheist, but have worked with a lot of religious organisations in the voluntary sector, and I'd argue that religious communities are more likely to be a force for good.

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