UK far right trouble July/August 24

You're incapable of seeing anything other than what you're spoon fed, so there's no chance you see what I am, you have no idea actually.

You probably "see" me as a far right "EDL" white member. In fact I'm first generation British and maybe the race you probably think I am.

I support free speech, equal policing and governance. That's it.

It's ok though, as I said, ignorance is bliss, for now.
You're a bullshitter. You here to say people have been treated unfair and that's why we trouble. It's bullshit. THIS is racist bullying of the worst kind.
Violence on any side is wrong . Just wondering where the far right protests were when Lucy Letby was convicted not long ago . The murder of three innocent young girls has been hijacked by Robinson and co for personal gain , scum .

I don't disagree. There will always be opportunists that hijack things for personal gain, I.e Robinson

Same with BLM "peaceful protestors" , the leaders of that were buying nice houses with donations, they couldn't give a shite about helping anyone. They were happy to see the riots, means more dough for them.

That's not really the point though, I don't care about grifters because they'll always exist in one form or another, they're inevitable really.

My point is this is never going to stop until everyone can admit there's problems coming from everywhere, it's not all one sided as it stands. It's not going to stop until the government and their police acknowledge it's not all one sided at this point and police people equally which isn't happening right now. It's adding fuel to it.

Stamer is handling it horribly and I say that as someome who voted for his party, albeit with little confidence.
You're a bullshitter. You here to say people have been treated unfair and that's why we trouble. It's bullshit. THIS is racist bullying of the worst kind.

So you're not OK with mobs of far right dickheads being cunts, but you're OK with mobs of muslims tooled up beating up innocent fellas having a smoke outside of a pub?

"Racist bullying" - yeah, both ways

You're the only bullshitter here if you don't acknowledge that. Unless you're simply unaware of it, then fair enough.
You're shocked by this? Disgusted even? But nothing from you about the racist attacks in every town? All the far right lies? That's ok, is it? People retaliating though...disgusting!
Fuck off antivaxxer.

Calm down keyboard warrior no need to be so aggressive! I think all forms of hate and violence against innocent people just going about their lives are wrong and I condemn it.

What does my thoughts on vaccines have to do with anything regarding riots?! Strange weird individual!
All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.
Twxttxr is not a “free speech” platform. Nor is Musk a good faith actor (he never has been).

Musk regularly silences speech on the platform he doesn’t like or that call’s out his dangerous, illegal, unethical behaviour (either outright via direct platform censorship or via rallying his cult followers to attack the source of the speech he wants to silence). He has also intentionally modified the Twxttxr content moderation and safety system (if you could even call it that, given he has completely gutted it) to allow rampant abuse from his cult followers and other groups which leads to accounts constantly being suspended pending often lengthy “reviews” of their content to determine if they meet the now laughably arbitrary application of the lax posting guidelines. The “reviews” for content he has been historically critical of often take far longer than reviews of content he has historically supported or amplified. He also regularly parrots antisemitic, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic ideology and conspiracy theories, or retweets content that does. He has repeatedly amplified (often obviously) mis/disinformation to millions of users (though, how many of them are actually bots is a hotly debated topic) and rarely if ever apologises or retracts when it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false.

Musk’s Twxttxr exists as his own personal communication platform, where he can wield very real power of controlling a portion of public discourse, with very real world impacts. He has had a hand in indirectly and directly creating tensions and inciting disorder and violence in numerous countries, even before he acquired Twxttxr. He has used the platform to commit fraud and attack his enemies, as well as carry out petty feuds that have gone on to destroy the lives of good people that simply had the temerity of questioning his motives for taking certain actions or the validity of the statements he has made. And his unhinged, unchecked behaviour has only increased since the acquisition.

Twxttxr is a “free speech” platform the same way Weibo is a “free speech” platform, which is why it is interesting you reference people seemingly wanting a “communist” system of state run media (which is usually largely controlled by an authoritarian leader who acts erratically and in bad faith).

Please, please don’t drink Musk’s Koolaid. You are far too intelligent to be taken in by his Putinesque tactics and juvenile, narcissistic nonsense.
Can't agree with that Craig. 'Integration' as you call it, is measured over decades and it's pretty obvious, in my town at least, that second and third generations of immigrant families have moved up the social scale from where their parents/grandparents were when arriving on these shores.

In the road where I live we have 11 houses, 2 Indian doctors and there 2 children live in 1.
In another 2 retired Indian brothers who now live together since one got divorced and the others wife died. The house next to me have a mum and dad and 2 children of French African heritage, she works from home and he owns his own garage.

I can honestly say I couldn’t wish to have better neighbours. All 3 families are very polite the adults and children alike.

Living in this house for 30 years has been a pleasure because of the neighbours we’ve had.

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