UK far right trouble July/August 24

Spew away

I do want balance. I want a fair media, fair policing. I come from a background and family where they didn't get that or even a voice. I'll support a platform that allows a broader perspective than the likes of the BBC do.

England is heading down a terrible path, and it's not just because of far right dickheads using any reason to spew hate.

I'm certainly not part of the problem. Just because you haven't got the bollocks to open your eyes or mind and see everything isn't completely one sided. The problem is the people who try so hard to look righteous that they're shit scared to even acknowledge maybe the problem isn't all from a single direction. There's a lot of contributors to what's happening, including the government and police.

But it's ok, stay ignorant. It's bliss after all.
I see you for what you are.
Don’t worry about my bollocks, they’re just fine.
All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.

Musk is actively trying to destabilise a number of countries for his own ends.
I see you for what you are.
Don’t worry about my bollocks, they’re just fine.

You're incapable of seeing anything other than what you're spoon fed, so there's no chance you see what I am, you have no idea actually.

You probably "see" me as a far right "EDL" white member. In fact I'm first generation British and maybe the race you probably think I am.

I support free speech, equal policing and governance. That's it.

It's ok though, as I said, ignorance is bliss, for now.
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someone was asking about this yesterday - looks like 4 white guys were about to set upon an Asian guy just as a gang came around the corner resulting reversion to Plan Z and running away - slowest guy got caught

Hahaha can put any caption you want to pretend shouting white **** and jumping people is acceptable.

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