UK far right trouble July/August 24

Calm down keyboard warrior no need to be so aggressive! I think all forms of hate and violence against innocent people just going about their lives are wrong and I condemn it.

What does my thoughts on vaccines have to do with anything regarding riots?! Strange weird individual!
Can you point to your post(S) on here condemning the edl/far right/immigrant haters pls.
I don't disagree. There will always be opportunists that hijack things for personal gain, I.e Robinson

Same with BLM "peaceful protestors" , the leaders of that were buying nice houses with donations, they couldn't give a shite about helping anyone. They were happy to see the riots, means more dough for them.

That's not really the point though, I don't care about grifters because they'll always exist in one form or another, they're inevitable really.

My point is this is never going to stop until everyone can admit there's problems coming from everywhere, it's not all one sided as it stands. It's not going to stop until the government and their police acknowledge it's not all one sided at this point and police people equally which isn't happening right now. It's adding fuel to it.

Stamer is handling it horribly and I say that as someome who voted for his party, albeit with little confidence.
All communities have questions to answer , not exactly sure why Starmer is to blame , I’d suggest the previous Governments are far more culpable. I’ve no doubt that any violence from the Muslim community will be dealt with in an uncompromising way and rightly so .
the fact these 'gatherings' are happening during the day say it all for me.

the low-life types attending clearly don't work
Alot of people gather on here in the daytime constantly, so maybe some of those don't work either
All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.
These people who think are genius free thinkers who decry the nebulous term 'MSM' are idiots. The shite posted on SM does not come from people who either independent nor journalists.

Journalists who cover and comment on news are independent, do you not understand this? They are subject to rules, regulations and laws that ensure their reporting is factual and source based. There is ultimate irony in people not getting this and thereby lending credibility to online nonsense. You are one of those people
Loads of evidence, he's on a rant about the UK and claiming we're inevitably going to have a civil war.

Viz Comic's estimable cartoonist Davey Jones on Space Karen:

Terrorism charges being considered for the most malignant of rioters, that's brilliant news for two reasons:

1.) That's what they are, our courts shouldn't let them hide behind a shield of "protest" or "concern; if you attack or intimidate anyone because of their colour or creed, or cause criminal damage in a crusade against other religions, then you're no better than those you profess to be concerned about. You're a terrorist.

2.) It should, should, act as a deterrent. Building a new life for yourself with a terrorism charge shadowing you would be very difficult.
Alot of people gather on here in the daytime constantly, so maybe some of those don't work either
there's alot of retired members who frequent this forum - think it's abit rich to compare it to the wankers smashing up our local towns, don't you think?

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