UK far right trouble July/August 24

Can you point to your post(S) on here condemning the edl/far right/immigrant haters pls.

I don’t post that often really, occasionally observe.

As I stated before I don’t condone or support hate, rioting, violence of any kind to innocent people of any colour or creed. I’m just worried for the future of my kids, sad times.
Sadly predictable that the moment Muslims started committing (inexcusable) crimes, we’d suddenly have a few posters creeping out of the woodwork feeling brave enough to spout their conspiracy theories painted up to be “legitimate concerns”.

Don’t remember these people posting their condemnation on Saturday, weirdly?

And so the wheel turns. And the hatred and misallocated blame that started all this in the first place continues to proliferate. Nothing will change will it? I was having arguments about supposed two-tiered policing and the inevitability of shariah law back in 2006.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also, I don't think the government and police are helping matters. They're handling different people different ways and that's creating even more resentment. Two tier policing in this country is really a thing, it's not a "far right" conspiracy. They'd admitted with things like the Rotherham reports that they wouldn't arrest rape gangs out of fear of being called racist. The head of police in Rotherham had to answer in an inquest why his police arrested an 11 year old rape victim instead of the men that did it. Sorry, that is disgraceful and it still happens today. The police, government and media are flat out refusing to acknowledge there's cunts out harming people. That shouldn't happen. Police people equally. The police legged it away in Leeds the other week with the romani rioters. They're nowhere to be seen while Muslim gangs roam the streets with weapons. They turn up with dogs and batons and use them on the rest. Let's not turn a blind eye to this.

There's scumbags on both "sides", but I urge you to find me a video where the police are out with their dogs and batons stopping Muslim gangs beating people 15 onto 1. The police aren't doing a thing about this. For me, these kind of thing is only adding more problems, more resentment.

I'm not on the side of anybody but I'm on the side of fairness and common sense. Are there a lot of people using this to exercise their racism? Absolutely and they're a disgrace. Is there also people from Muslim communities feeling like they have free reign to carry weapons through the streets and attack random people because seemingly the government and police won't touch them? Yes.

The whole thing is a mess, it's not all one sided and the government and police are handling it horribly too.

This two tier policing thing appears to have become somewhat of a slogan among the far right rioters. The actual policing data shows white people have it far better with police than black and brown people. All the stop and search data, the arrests data show white do not get stopped and searched at anywhere near the rate as black and brown people, and they don't get arrested at anywhere near the same rate either.

Now, unless you want to suggest that black and brown people are 9 times or 2 times as likely to commit a crime as a white person, then you'd agree those stats are not are not only problematic but also flies in the face of the two tier policing disadvantaging the white population claim. There is two tier policing in this country and white people are not the ones suffering because of it.

I can't be arsed to find the actual data, I'm supposed to be working right now, but if you're actually interested in reading it, I can fetch it for you. It's somewhere on the government website.
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Sadly predictable that the moment Muslims started committing (inexcusable) crimes, we’d suddenly have a few posters creeping out of the woodwork feeling brave enough to spout their conspiracy theories painted up to be “legitimate concerns”.

Don’t remember these people posting their condemnation on Saturday, weirdly?

And so the wheel turns. And the hatred and misallocated blame that started all this in the first place continues to proliferate. Nothing will change will it? I was having arguments about supposed two-tiered policing and the inevitability of shariah law back in 2006.
They're some sort of New Woke movement just spinning around being arses.

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