UK far right trouble July/August 24

Problem is prisons are full and why the scum of society keep getting lenient punishments. No wonder the police have a hard time when criminals know if they get caught they will get a soft punishment.
Others have pointed out that a criminal record for violence will affect people's lives regardless of whether they do time.
I've read both your post and the reply from @Prestwich_Blue . You are both very persuasive with your points so I'm non the wiser cheers!
It is refreshing to see two posters who strongly disagree manage to do so in civil way and articulate their views without accusing each other of being woke, racist, gammon, thick or the next Hitler though. A lesson to us all.
What would a thick woke racist gammon wanna-be Hitler like you know about keeping things civil!
We live in dangerous times, the biggest platform of news and propaganda is being owned by a man like Elon who I always had an admiration for but recently he has come across like a total di*k. Hopefully the situation gets better soon
I also admire Musk but he is completely wrong on this occasion. Clearly he's putting his energy into retaining users and generating as much controversy as possible.

I actually think that he's just been taken in by the propaganda and misinformation. It was once dressed as just free speech but now it's being dressed rather dangerously as truth. It's Trumpesque at its finest (or worse).
In Scunthorpe visiting family this week. Lots of rumours of the racists wanting to confront the Muslim communities on a particular road in town today, which of course saw them wait outside ready to defend their businesses etc if necessary. None turned up, so guess they’re pushing optics now.
Our local government tourism office has just warned of a potential protest here tomorrow. In fucking Torquay, which is about as white as you can get!!
The protests have been the worst in overwhelmingly white areas. It's usually the anxieties of white people in coastal areas worrying about the "effects of immigration" without experiencing the reality of it like those of us in more urban areas where it's part of our everyday experience.

The riots have been the worst in Southport (96% white), Sunderland (94% white), Tamworth (93% white), Plymouth (94% white), and Hartlepool (97% white), whereas the planned - but mostly failed - riots in Manchester (56% white), Bristol (81% white), and Leeds (79% white) haven't gone as expected.

Middlesbrough (88% white) is the one slight outlier where the violence was bad but the white population is under 90%. Torquay is 95% white so things might well kick off. It's a place that the EDL know there will be little to no opposition.

It's why there's been virtually no EDL displays in London (53% white), Bradford (61% white) or Leicester (40% white) this week. Yaxley-Lennon's not stupid. He knows that if he dares to organise rioting in places like Tower Hamlets or Wembley or Peckham his droogs will get a nasty response. See last night in Birmingham, where nothing's even happened yet.

There are said to be "planned protests" at immigration centres around the country tomorrow but the truth of these rumours hasn't been verified. It sounds like an attempt to whip up hysteria and get a bunch of Muslim lads in big crowds that look intimidating right in front of some TV cameras. Only 24 hours til we find out.

In Scunthorpe visiting family this week. Lots of rumours of the racists wanting to confront the Muslim communities on a particular road in town today, which of course saw them wait outside ready to defend their businesses etc if necessary. None turned up, so guess they’re pushing optics now.

See this above from @BlueTG as well. It's happening in more and more places. That's now Salford and Scunthorpe where riots have been "planned" but haven't materialised, but a big bunch of scary Muslims have gathered to defend their properties and communities and the media will get lots of juicy shots of darkies in jackets with baseball bats.

And predictably it's been shared on Tommy Robinson's social media that a bunch of "illegal immigrants with weapons have amassed on the streets". They can then start asking why these "thugs" aren't being banged up like the hundreds of racists already behind bars in tears. It's all tactical and a big load of shite from the knuckle-dragging nutjobs.
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I also admire Musk but he is completely wrong on this occasion. Clearly he's putting his energy into retaining users and generating as much controversy as possible.

I actually think that he's been taken in by the propaganda and misinformation which was once dressed as just free speech but now it's being dressed rather dangerously as truth. It's Trumpesque at its finest (or worse).
Or, he is part of the problem, influencing and instigating things in the UK. Come to think of it, isn’t there a link to all these people? I heard Trump is interviewing Musk tonight, Musk and Trump have serious connections to Putin, Farage sucks Putin and Trump’s stumps, and wee Tommy Tiny does seem to be a glove-puppet for Farage.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also, I don't think the government and police are helping matters. They're handling different people different ways and that's creating even more resentment. Two tier policing in this country is really a thing, it's not a "far right" conspiracy. They'd admitted with things like the Rotherham reports that they wouldn't arrest rape gangs out of fear of being called racist. The head of police in Rotherham had to answer in an inquest why his police arrested an 11 year old rape victim instead of the men that did it. Sorry, that is disgraceful and it still happens today. The police, government and media are flat out refusing to acknowledge there's cunts out harming people. That shouldn't happen. Police people equally. The police legged it away in Leeds the other week with the romani rioters. They're nowhere to be seen while Muslim gangs roam the streets with weapons. They turn up with dogs and batons and use them on the rest. Let's not turn a blind eye to this.

There's scumbags on both "sides", but I urge you to find me a video where the police are out with their dogs and batons stopping Muslim gangs beating people 15 onto 1. The police aren't doing a thing about this. For me, these kind of thing is only adding more problems, more resentment.

I'm not on the side of anybody but I'm on the side of fairness and common sense. Are there a lot of people using this to exercise their racism? Absolutely and they're a disgrace. Is there also people from Muslim communities feeling like they have free reign to carry weapons through the streets and attack random people because seemingly the government and police won't touch them? Yes.

The whole thing is a mess, it's not all one sided and the government and police are handling it horribly too.
I believe there are more planned for tomorrow.
My work is closing one of their offices (not Manchester) early because of it

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