UK far right trouble July/August 24

I always think this is one of the most real ‘memes’ I’ve ever seen. Everyone, no matter the side, should know that this is the real underlying cause of frustrations throughout this world. It’s unfortunate that some fall for the trick but a day will come when it all clicks. Why do you think the likes of Elon Musk are so desperate to point the finger? He literally is this meme.

Or, he is part of the problem, influencing and instigating things in the UK. Come to think of it, isn’t there a link to all these people? I heard Trump is interviewing Musk tonight, Musk and Trump have serious connections to Putin, Farage sucks Putin and Trump’s stumps, and wee Tommy Tiny does seem to be a glove-puppet for Farage.
Rishi Sunak must be so proud when he hears the racist thugs chanting "Stop The Boats" as they try to set fire to a hotel housing immigrants, or while they are attacking the police.

Bet he is watching the news feeling all smug and very pleased with himself as he tells his family "Listen, that's my catchphrase!"
Anderson's been quiet too since the rioters adopted his catchphrase.

I absolutely hope that the search through the social media output of Darren Grimes, Matthew Goodwin and Isabelle Oakshott, among others, begins in earnest. Their incessant spreading of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, two-tier policing, has done Farage's work for him and helped these riots along. Someone is paying them a lot of money to spew their bile, and I would forensically follow those funds relentlessly. As for Braverman, Patel, Gullis, Anderson, Tice and Lowe, they are the kind of politicians the nation needs to be rid of, for they will deeply damage it for their own, personal gain without a moments thought.
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I also admire Musk but he is completely wrong on this occasion. Clearly he's putting his energy into retaining users and generating as much controversy as possible.

I actually think that he's just been taken in by the propaganda and misinformation. It was once dressed as just free speech but now it's being dressed rather dangerously as truth. It's Trumpesque at its finest (or worse).
Don’t make excuses for him.
He’s smart enough to know how not to be a **** so the fact he behaves like one is all on him.
hi @Vic

You seem to post a lot on this thread so you must have a good grasp of the plurality of views on here.

I personally have been concerned about the number of people arriving in the UK over the years. I see myself as an open minded, liberal individual who sees the benefits that people coming to this country bring.

However, I just see the impact on housing, transport and other practical considerations that this level of migration brings.

Is this a fairly well represented view on here?


Or, he is part of the problem, influencing and instigating things in the UK. Come to think of it, isn’t there a link to all these people? I heard Trump is interviewing Musk tonight, Musk and Trump have serious connections to Putin, Farage sucks Putin and Trump’s stumps, and wee Tommy Tiny does seem to be a glove-puppet for Farage.
He's perhaps influencing a minority in the UK but it's no different to what happens on TikTok or anywhere else. It's just the right have found a home on X and Musk is facilitating it.

I can remember when Twitter was once a left wing cesspit so it's hardly that different in my eyes. The only real difference is that I now always see political stuff automatically whereas in the past I didn't. This is perhaps because he's ramping up the platform to get more activity. This kind of thing isn't new, Facebook were well known for selling people's data to enable targeted political advertising.

Musk is a smart person, I don't subscribe that he's a far-right loony and he was previously a Democrat. His views on climate change and other things as a technologist pit him against most loony ideas on the right. If you listen to him on most things he's quite sensible and logical, his dark side clearly comes out on X.

He's a complicated bloke so it's hard to understand what he's really doing or gaining. There are obvious reasons such as backdoor channels through Trump to promise help with Tesla or SpaceX but those two companies are doing quite alright without that help.
Remind me, which warped religion are the far right rioters?

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