UK far right trouble July/August 24

Penny dropped yet mo' fo' ?

Once people realise the consequences and speed of implementing it they’ll (hopefully) stay at home.

It was either you or Vic who posted earlier that it doesn’t matter how much or little time they do or don’t get once you get a criminal record it’s life altering.

Of course that requires them to apply rationale thinking and there are going to be some that is simply beyond.
I think it was probably more sensible than scandalous, Mrs H had an appointment cancelled last week due to a Doctor calling in sick, these things happen all the time.
It's scandalous because the medical staff have been told to stay at home because of these fucking lunatics.
It’s about organising things, hundreds and thousands of people can see these posts, try organising that without social media, no chance. These little scrotes wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t have fucking tik tok, interesting article yesterday at Muslims hijacking a far right organised March almost leading them into an ambush, the match didn’t happen because of it, now imagine no social media non of that would’ve happened.

I think that’s the issue - so many people see the posts and because they view them their newsfeeds are full of them so they think it’s widely shared views. I’m sure the psychology of it is understood by experts.
He wouldn't be the first person to be sued for saying something stupid. I mean a single British bloke living in Thailand.. it's a common trope that we could all be forgiven for thinking of first. Cuntish yes but I've heard worse.
Stop making excuses for him. Comparing him with your average dickhead isn’t really appropriate for someone in a position of influence like him.

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