UK far right trouble July/August 24

Any need for that really? Exactly why Ive started to avoid these kind of threads, impossible to have a civil conversation.

I googled him being charged and I can see one article by LBC, which appeared at 11:12am. 42 minutes after my original post. How was I to know?

Anyway, enjoy your day. Life is way too short for arguments on the internet
Perhaps do some thorough research before posting?

Just an idea
What the fuck is wrong with people? If there is a silver lining in all of this it’s we are draining the swamp of some of these twats.

Looking at the time of the posts she made, she fell for the misinformation that the girls were murdered by an Islamist asylum seeker, what a clown.
Any need for that really? Exactly why Ive started to avoid these kind of threads, impossible to have a civil conversation.

I googled him being charged and I can see one article by LBC, which appeared at 11:12am. 42 minutes after my original post. How was I to know?

Anyway, enjoy your day. Life is way too short for arguments on the internet

It sounded a dig at policing and the whole ‘two tier’ bollox that’s being spouted recently. That’s all.
Imagine if the Tories got in next time and decided that as part of social media regulation they were going to regulate hate speech and views on this forum. Would everybody be happy to sign up to that? I imagine not.

Social media is already regulated in the sense that you can be prosecuted for what you say on it, that should be enough. I don't see what further regulation gains except where people want to suppress views that they disagree with.

It's no different to walking into a pub and telling people that they can't talk to each other.
It’s about organising things, hundreds and thousands of people can see these posts, try organising that without social media, no chance. These little scrotes wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t have fucking tik tok, interesting article yesterday at Muslims hijacking a far right organised March almost leading them into an ambush, the match didn’t happen because of it, now imagine no social media non of that would’ve happened.
Who on here would post on these political threads with their real name? Nobody would or at least very few would say what they really think. You see this on X most, people using their real names tend to say the least or less controversial things but those who put it all out there tend to see negative consequences.

Not sure I see a problem with any of that.

Imagine if you got a bit angry and said something stupid by accident against your name, we're all human and it happens. Does this mean that you should now lose your job or what if city decided to ban you from the ground? In reality you're going to avoid saying what you really think.

No problem being subject to the same legal and moral standards on here as I would be in public. Hopefully I am intelligent enough to judge what I say to which audience, as I do in real life.

There are also the ethical questions because do you really want the government or companies to know exactly who you are and what your views are? With X they don't know but with others such as Facebook they do and we've seen what those companies do with that information.

I really don't care. There is a wider concern about what these companies do with their information, but me? Don't care. Then again, this the only place I post.
Imagine if the Tories got in next time and decided that as part of social media regulation they were going to regulate hate speech and views on this forum. Would everybody be happy to sign up to that? I imagine not.

Social media is already regulated in the sense that you can be prosecuted for what you say on it, that should be enough. I don't see what further regulation gains except where people want to suppress views that they disagree with.

It's no different to walking into a pub and telling people that they can't talk to each other.
I absolutely would as I don't espouse hate speech

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