UK far right trouble July/August 24

So I take it you're not a fan then?

Look, you're only taking an interest in hating him because you can't stand his move into politics. I doubt you would of had this view say 5 years ago where if you weren't interested in space or cars then you probably wouldn't know who he is.

If it was that easy and he was just a total fraud then he must be the most successful fraud in history but I don't buy that. I certainly don't see how he's any different to Zuckerberg or any of the other billionaires who struck gold at the right time. Rather ironically most people on the left hate Branson because he was a Thatcherite. Meanwhile the right hate him because he was pro-EU. This sort of just shows how politics tortures and poisons people's minds and judgement.

Of course Musk benefits from the government but this is an incredibly naive and pointless argument. SpaceX and Tesla directly benefit from government funds but so what? Do you believe that Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, GM, Ford, Stellantis or Toyota don't benefit from government funds? These companies have bled the American taxpayer dry and who do you think they're donating to? And you think Musk is the problem....

I don't like where he's taking X or where he's going on politics but I've never met the guy and clearly never will so I can't take your path to hate somebody that I've never met. Meanwhile I'll watch on as the space industry and car industry flourishes because unlike politics that actually matters and it's also more interesting.
Because of my line of work (at that time, my field of study), I have been aware of Musk since his days at PayPal, nearly 25 years ago, when he was forced out of the company for being an incompetent authoritarian **** (including trying to forcefully rebrand it to after his company merged with it). He has only gotten worse and more brazen since.

Just because you have only taken an interest in the last 5 years doesn’t mean the rest of us have.
I don't read or watch the news these days but I'm aware of one post Musk made in response to Starmer's tweet that he would protect British Muslim communities, he tweeted shouldn't that be "all communities". Is that so bad or am I missing something?
You’re missing the fact that it’s the Muslim and immigrant communities that are being targeted by the instigators of the riots, so it’s not surprising that they’re getting a specific mention.
If we went to Anfield and got attacked by a bunch of dippers and twatted a couple of them during the fight, I wouldn’t expect the authorities to put equal blame on us.
I don't read or watch the news these days but I'm aware of one post Musk made in response to Starmer's tweet that he would protect British Muslim communities, he tweeted shouldn't that be "all communities". Is that so bad or am I missing something?

Vinny Kompany worked hard and contributed to the homeless community, they deserve help and protection but I rarely hear about those people anymore, hate seeing people on the street but they get little help, I do my bit but admit it's not enough.

All people deserve respect until they break the law, there's no excuse, none whatsoever, regardless of age, race or nationality It's utterly depressing reading this thread with some poster's more interested in being back slapped than acknowledging the problems we face in this terrible time of our lives.
Yeh you are - a functioning brain

"I don't read or watch the news" - and so I'll make an ill-informed comment.

Fuck me

As far as I am aware I haven't seen any churches, temples, synagogues or gurdwaras attacked. Have you?

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Just been told of a planned 'protest' tomorrow in Cheadle, around roscoes roundabout.

The human appeal charity is based there ... Really? Targeting a fucking charity ! Bunch of fucking cunts if true
What is it with roundabouts and fruitcake protesters.

Saw a few of the anti-vax plandemics set up their garden furniture and placards on some of these.
You’re missing the fact that it’s the Muslim and immigrant communities that are being targeted by the instigators of the riots, so it’s not surprising that they’re getting a specific mention.
If we went to Anfield and got attacked by a bunch of dippers and twatted a couple of them during the fight, I wouldn’t expect the authorities to put equal blame on us.

Of course not, it would be your fault. Never theirs.
apparently he's already been arrested and charged, so you're an idiot.

Any need for that really? Exactly why Ive started to avoid these kind of threads, impossible to have a civil conversation.

I googled him being charged and I can see one article by LBC, which appeared at 11:12am. 42 minutes after my original post. How was I to know?

Anyway, enjoy your day. Life is way too short for arguments on the internet

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