UK far right trouble July/August 24

Alastair Campbell read out the first page of the terrorism act on the Rest is Politics - if I were the DPP I'd be throwing the book at the lot of them and prosecuting them with terror offences.

We all know it won't happen though. They'll get 6 months in a low security prison, out in 3 if they say sorry and help do the washing up.

IMO they should be treated like any other terrorist - shipped out to some MI6 black site in bumfuck nowhere never to see daylight again.
Cheers I'll watch that later.
If this is genuinely the fag end of this what a blinder Starmer has played-standing up to the far right, using his experience to work with law enforcement and push for harsh sentences for the thugs in quick time-that’s a deterrent.

At the same time causing huge damage to brand Farage. Hopefully Robinson never sets foot in this country ever again-and if he does he has everything thrown at him.
Who is 'Robinson'?
It’s a shame that there were Palestine flags flying at nearly every anti-far right demo. There’s enough Palestine demos every week without them having to hijack these demos against the far right scrotes as well. Can’t Israel/Palestine be kept separate from this? It’s unrelated and only muddies the waters.
Just like it made it into this thread
If this is genuinely the fag end of this what a blinder Starmer has played-standing up to the far right, using his experience to work with law enforcement and push for harsh sentences for the thugs in quick time-that’s a deterrent.

At the same time causing huge damage to brand Farage. Hopefully Robinson never sets foot in this country ever again-and if he does he has everything thrown at him.
And hopefully when it all dies down Musk will come out of it looking like the twat many of us already know he is.
I don't read or watch the news these days but I'm aware of one post Musk made in response to Starmer's tweet that he would protect British Muslim communities, he tweeted shouldn't that be "all communities". Is that so bad or am I missing something?

Vinny Kompany worked hard and contributed to the homeless community, they deserve help and protection but I rarely hear about those people anymore, hate seeing people on the street but they get little help, I do my bit but admit it's not enough.

All people deserve respect until they break the law, there's no excuse, none whatsoever, regardless of age, race or nationality It's utterly depressing reading this thread with some poster's more interested in being back slapped than acknowledging the problems we face in this terrible time of our lives.

Yes because it is like when someone says 'all lives matter' in a response to events where black people are under attack and people say black lives matter. All lives do matter, but in this specific instance, we're talking about black lives, as they happened to be the ones under attack.

Of course all communities should be protected, but if Starmer stands there in a press conference specifically about the violence and intimidation shown against the Muslim communities says 'we need to protect the Muslim communities' then it's just nonsense whataboutism to say 'well actually, you should protect all communities'. It's adding noise and muddying the water for no reason, and we already know what Musk's intentions are. He wants these far right rioters to burn down every mosque they see. He's been goading them and egging them on since this all started.

I'm sure he's broken one or several UK incitement laws.
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If this is genuinely the fag end of this what a blinder Starmer has played-standing up to the far right, using his experience to work with law enforcement and push for harsh sentences for the thugs in quick time-that’s a deterrent.

At the same time causing huge damage to brand Farage. Hopefully Robinson never sets foot in this country ever again-and if he does he has everything thrown at him.
The bloke is not a fake. He had one of the most important jobs. They will all face the law.
Just a little light hearted aside. I just always smile when they go to Harry Farley from the News offices… I always want them to say Charley Farley, which reminds me of my granddad who used to say ‘you’re just like Charley Farley’ when we did something daft as kids.
One of my oldest mates is called Farley. Good lad, daft as a brush.

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