UK far right trouble July/August 24

well the problem is that you use a definition of zionism to a point where you argue that while only 59% claim to be zionists, actualy 90% are by your definition.

Thats a bit contentious, because now there are 31% who support the right of Israel to exist but who claim not to be a zionist just for that fact. So are they wrong?
Take it to another thread
It’s great that it now looks very much like the far right have been put back in their box and the decent people in the country have stood up to support their communities and the police.

However I despair when I see shit like this.
View attachment 127722
I know people are justifiably angry at Netanyahu’s government but use of the word Zionist is inflammatory because to most Jews it simply means support for Israel’s right to exist and is not related to support for Israeli government actions in Gaza and the West Bank. 90% of Jews consider themselves as Zionist using the real definition of the word, so for some bellend to suggest Zionists should be driven out of the area of Britain with the most Jews is pure antisemitism. It doesn’t even include antisemites in the list of groups it wants to remove from Finchley which is equally telling. They can’t use ignorance of the definition of Zionism as a defence when it’s in Finchley of all places.

It’s another example of the far left hijacking the fantastic response by the whole community to far right thuggery to further their own antisemitic agenda. Cunts.
I agree about the inappropriateness of the poster, but I'm not sure what you mean by the "real definition of the word" Zionist. I suspect it came from "90% of British Jews support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state (one possible definition of Zionism)".
One for another thread perhaps, but another definition would mean all Jews should return to Israel (the "Ingathering of the Exiles).”
A message to rioters that are now getting arrested: remember...the consequences do not come lubed.

Is that alowed, mods?
Where does the poster say that?
It says “Get fascists, racists, Nazis, Zionists and Islamophobes out of Finchley”. From memory there are 50,000 Jews in Finchley (largest Jewish population in the country). 59% of 50,000 is around 30,000.
As I say, take it elsewhere if you want to bang on about the definition of Zionism.
One for another thread perhaps, but another definition would mean all Jews should return to Israel (the "Ingathering of the Exiles).”

Deffinatly for another thread, and i hope the instigator of this argument creates a thread aroudn the matter and copies our messages to him inside of it so we can continue it there.

Also take note that in practice Zionism can stand for a expanionist policy of the Jewish state. It can go further than to just have "some land to call its own", to an extend of claiming "even more" land to its own under the same ideal. This is because there is no fixed definition of the size of the Jewish homeland (and just a 1 square kilometer microstate wouldnt do right?) and there is an active policy of Jewish settlement outside the recognized borders of Israel.

I recognise the right of Israel to exist, i do not support Zionism in any way.
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