UK far right trouble July/August 24

And Musk should keep his nose out of UK politics and stop stirring up racial hatred.
I'm not a big fan of Starmer, but I really hope he's emailed the twat telling him to mind his own fucking business, or even better just fuck off.

Musk is the sort of twat the world could really do without, along with the likes of trump and putin (and many others). He might be clever with tech, but he really isn't good for the world in general.
"X", or Twitter seems to be going downhil fast anyway. I got like an army of pornstar followers on Twitter..

Which is all to well i think. I'm not a fan of billionaires trying to take over the narrative

I just dont know what the details are, but i think i can dig it if Starmer worded it well.
I’m still not clear why more haven’t been charged with rioting. Ten years maximum sentence; double than that for violent disorder. I know a riot charge needs the DPP’s express say-so, but inconceivable the CPS would decline, unless there’s political pressure for a ‘stepped approach’. So they can up the ante if things escalate.

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