UK far right trouble July/August 24

And, if Starmer and Reeves keep pretending that government spending is the same as household spending and line up austerity 2, which seems to be where they’re going, it’ll only get worse. Not only that, we’ll have the very real prospect of a Farage led government in 5 years, which would be an absolute catastrophe, especially for the people who vote for it….
There's no chance of a Farage led government. The Tories still have to play their card given they are leaderless and they will stay that way until the winter. It really depends upon who they go for, if they go for a more Farage friendly type candidate such as Badenoch then I think Farage will stand aside. He has no interest in running beyond 5 years.

Either way I don't think Labour will have as easy an election next time around. They have quelled the riots but they really need to also consider how to quell the sentiment behind it. With the language used by Starmer they've clearly chosen the opposite which is war.
Very true, but that is only part of the problem.

It is incredible, how much slow and steady progress made over 50+ years against prejudice in western societies, has been so quickly reversed in less than 10.

It will take a long long time just to get us back to where we were, not that long ago, never mind moving forward.

The bigger problem for me than the disillusionment reaction, is the layer on the sidelines that have bought into the biggotry, just because they can.

We were at a point where you had to be a real nutter to express racist or other prejudiced views. Most didn't have them, those few that did would have not dared show them because of the wider perception and acceptance of tolerance in society. Heck some of us probably had elders that we considered 'of a time' that had learned and accepted either that things had changed or simply not to say anything daft anymore because their younger families didn't want to hear it. They were, we would tell ourselves, supposedly the last of a time that we were going to collectively move past soon.

Now we have people across all generatons, and social classes, that not only think it is fine to express such views, but think they are actually the ones that are right, the real free thinkers exercising their freedom of speech. They have literally reversed the ethos behind the strive for a fairer society. How long now, before we get to where that latest generation are a minority 'of a time'.

That is the real legacy of the Brexit campaign, (note the word campaign, significant distinction) and the rhetoric that went into winning that vote. Which some have bought right into, others were happy to ignore, many just didn't notice. And this is now the real legacy of it. Not the fucked economy, ruined travel and trade, weakened services, wobbled industries, cost of living etc, but the impact on society and the long term division it left behind.
Yes this is true but this goes beyond brexit alone, the seesds fornbrexit even coming about were sown as early as 2006 and gained traction with the global crash and governments responses, nobends like farage prayed on it, amd was mainly.ignored as a crank at first, 24hr news though gave him a platform especially the bbc who would have him on all the time pre 2010 GE and after.

minor bigoted sentiment (or unconscious bias as it is now termed) is in everyone and it doesn't take much to bring it to the fore, be it about race or religion, gender etc.

The biggest issue imho is that people fought for decades to stop people being labeled for their diferences to a period where words such as (@Moderating Team these are used for context ) puff, paki, spaz, idiot, taig etc were cllassed as unsociable.and taboo, now and twitrer, especially from american where catargarising people is standard and everyone is put under a tag be it karen, terf, snowflake, cis, gammon, wendy, libtard etc.

no one can have an opinion on a sigle issue without someone sticking you into a catagory, that leaves many disenfranchised as Facebook and Twitter tell them their marginalised and not listened to.

Noe on these riots though anyone who attemded in good daith believing it was a protest about crime and societal ecline but upon arriving to see it was far right racist and divisionary and decided to stay well they are complicit and deserve the tag as a bigot, you can feel disenfranchised about society but if you choose to support those that hate it and discriminate then you are no better.
What most people seem to forget and the pensioners who are, allegedly, the most vocal and against it, is that a heck of a lot of their ancestors probably came over from other places if they went back in history.

As a pensioner I sometimes just don’t understand a lot of my fellow pensioners. Even within my own circle of pensioner friends unfortunately.
Live and let live is what I hope I live by.
:-) :-)
Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree fairly representative of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

Imagine getting to that age and then spending your leisurely years posting uninformed shite on social media. Needs to get some Viagra in him.
What most people seem to forget and the pensioners who are, allegedly, the most vocal and against it, is that a heck of a lot of their ancestors probably came over from other places if they went back in history.

As a pensioner I sometimes just don’t understand a lot of my fellow pensioners. Even within my own circle of pensioner friends unfortunately.
Live and let live is what I hope I live by.
:-) :-)
Very well said.
Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree fairly representative of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

Not many pensioners are true fascists like him.
Not many pensioners are true fascists like him.

Note that the points of similarity i mentioned were "anti-immigration advocates", no i dont think most pensioners are nessecarily fascists and yet this lad has some questionable stuff he endorses on his page.

I always though, from an antropological p.o.v, that part why elders are distrustfull if not afraid from certain youths is that they have to live with degree of a frailty that makes them feel vulnerable to them.

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