UK far right trouble July/August 24

Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree fairly representative of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

An Australian immigrant! Twat's all over the place, from the same racist, senile, incoherant ****...
I can fully see where you are coming from there and maybe it is because of the area I live in but I have never really felt vulnerable. I have always found young and old alike to be caring and kind.

That is the ideal enviroment, a simply better world where things are better because people care for eachother and do their best to make it better for eachother.

I'm a rather tall and strong lad, and while pacifist of nature i have had situations where i was gratefull for the fact that such physique could act as a deterrent for anyone trying anything. In places where some dangers might lurk around the corner such that exist, i'm one to fairly confidently navigate myself trough that since my physique in combination with my ability for reasoning and negotiation is usually compelling enough to keep me out of trouble.I know that i will meet mostly good people and some who are on a bad path regardless of color, i feel confident that i can handle navigating such an environment.

I do understand though, as i'm getting a tad older, what aging will eventually do for what regards that confidence derived from strength and physicality. If i would be no sure that everyone i could meet would stand up to reason, then i might consider that i could be randomly at the mercy of people with bad intentions. Its also that you simply wont be receiving those punches as well at old age as you would at young age when need be, even a slight knock at later age might result in a very painfull and long trajectory of recovery for an elder person where it wouldnt be so for a young person.

My grandparents, they were from small towns. Good people, they knew everyone in town and their offspring. When migrants came, it seemed to me that they were distrustfull for 2 main reasons. One being that a lot of bad things were said about the nature of such people, but the second mainly for the reason that "they just didnt know those people". They were strangers to the community, grandpaps knew who the grandfather and father was of every boy in town who might have tried some shennanigans but not "those folk", so they didnt know how to feel about them nor would they socialize.

Media seems to be often playing on such fears for what regards elders, atleast that is my impression. It often does seem to portray a world that seems far worse than it is for one, and seems to like to play on "fear that which you dont know".
Never get why pensioners are so intent on voting to denude the NHS at the exact time in their lives they’re likely to need it the most!

We take in too many people - 600k last year - we want to stop that we want our country back - will of the people.

I need hospital treatment but there are no doctors and nurse - why?
ahhhh well you see you got your country back so there are no doctors nurses and carers allowed in therefore there is a shortage - it was the will of the people.

we need to train up our own but when my grandson wanted to go to university there were no places - most have been closed its a disgrace.
ahhhh well you see the business model for all those universities relied on foreign students coming here and paying much larger fees but you took your country back and they couldn't come so the universities went bust - it was the will of the people.

I could go on but thats the circular discussion you can have with any of them because basically they listened to people telling them to hate all things foreign particularly in relation to skin colour and religion
Silly old duffer! ‘Calling rioters criminal thugs doesn’t help’!

Jesus Christ, someone take the keyboard off him. Is there an antiques programme on the telly?
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more



  1. characterized by or showing prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.
    "a lot of ageist jokes about not being able to use technology"

  1. a person with ageist views.
    "critics who contend that her age is an issue have been dismissed as ageists who are out of touch with the times"
Very true, but that is only part of the problem.

It is incredible, how much slow and steady progress made over 50+ years against prejudice in western societies, has been so quickly reversed in less than 10.
The main difference is the far right successfully pivoted their bigotry away from race to being a specifically anti-Muslim movement. And so you get people who are explicitly anti-Muslim, but will describe themselves as not racist, because "it's a religion, not a race" even though they are basically explicitly hating on another culture. And then hiding behind the "I'm not criticising Muslims, just Islam," which is rarely actually the case. Kinda similar to antisemitism.
Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree fairly representative of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

Fuck off back to Australia.

I hope that's the main gist of the comments under it. The actual comments, after you get past the racist echo chamber of the blue tick brigade.
Why is there a discussion on here about a weird old racist who bought a blue tick on x but has hardly any followers. Could understand it if he had a more significant reach but in this case it’s just broadening the reach of a nonentity.
Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree fairly representative of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

fuck off with your anti old person agenda you prick. You know fuck all.

Using some Australian nobhead as an example of most older people in Manchester who have voted Labour all their life is a fucking disrespectful slur against Mancs. This is a Manchester City board by the way full of older Mancs. Who the fuck votes Tory in Manchester? Very few I think and never have.
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