UK far right trouble July/August 24

The tory govn (IMO) gave confusing messages. Mainly appealing to those who dont like to see immigration. Braverman, Boris, all seemed quite RW in their messaging, and tbh it came across in their policies, confused and flustered. I like that the current govn have been consistent and decisive.

I don't disagree mate.

I only disagreed with you saying it had made you sick the way they had dealt with similar trouble which they never faced.
Christ, you squeezed that one out.
Why though? why not in Scotland and Wales too. We are one country after all.
It's worth mentioning that they have different politicians and a different media. I don't read any of their papers, but I'd be surprised if they were running the same far right talking points as ours. They are also far less right wing in general, hence why the Tories have barely been elected there in years.
No I think I imagined it. Upon check I came across this though

I read that. Whilst I can go with the issues raised being a source of dissatisfaction for many English voters, I can't see them being at the heart of the current problem which seems to be far more about migrants. At its heart I blame the last government for creating the atmosphere where such hatred festered and burned. Farrage and his mates are a national bloody disgrace as well. Maybe the Scottish and Welsh governments have been far more inclusive in their ethos towards migrants and created a somewhat friendlier environment in the respective countries. I don't really know hence my question to get others views - especially English.
Maybe we could learn something from Scotland and Wales? They have more mainstream political outlets for their 'flag shaggers' in the SNP and plaid cymru. This probably serves to keep the idiots off the streets, whereas we (in England) tend to recoil from overt nationalism/extremism although the last decade has seen an uptick in conservative and labour politicians appearing with the union flag as a backdrop. Maybe if Reform can become our version of plaid/SNP then it will diffuse the perception of the flag shaggers here having no voice.
It's worth mentioning that they have different politicians and a different media. I don't read any of their papers, but I'd be surprised if they were running the same far right talking points as ours. They are also far less right wing in general, hence why the Tories have barely been elected there in years.
the right wing media is pretty pervasive in Scotland - it has a different target though (Nationalism).
Yes we are more centre left and that will make a difference.
I read that. Whilst I can go with the issues raised being a source of dissatisfaction for many English voters, I can't see them being at the heart of the current problem which seems to be far more about migrants. At its heart I blame the last government for creating the atmosphere where such hatred festered and burned. Farrage and his mates are a national bloody disgrace as well. Maybe the Scottish and Welsh governments have been far more inclusive in their ethos towards migrants and created a somewhat friendlier environment in the respective countries. I don't really know hence my question to get others views - especially English.
I thought there was some truth in that the English have had it great and now things are declining for England. But the Welsh, Scots, its all new govn, new policies, exciting times ahead. I think they are much more inclusive with it like you say.
Maybe we could learn something from Scotland and Wales? They have more mainstream political outlets for their 'flag shaggers' in the SNP and plaid cymru. This probably serves to keep the idiots off the streets, whereas we (in England) tend to recoil from overt nationalism/extremism although the last decade has seen an uptick in conservative and labour politicians appearing with the union flag as a backdrop. Maybe if Reform can become our version of plaid/SNP then it will diffuse the perception of the flag shaggers here having no voice.
Well yeah, if something called the English National Party came along, what do you reckon its policies would be? I'll be honest, I'm not picturing something between the Greens and Labour, which is what the SNP arguably are. I'm thinking something a little to the right of Reform.
Well yeah, if something called the English National Party came along, what do you reckon its policies would be? I'll be honest, I'm not picturing something between the Greens and Labour, which is what the SNP arguably are. I'm thinking something a little to the right of Reform.
He masks his intelligence through being 'provocative and funny'. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't....

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