UK far right trouble July/August 24

I am aware of it's name, being of Irish decent I have headd it used and as I said it is a name given by the irish for it.

never heard anyone else use it or on my travels to places we have invaded, jus tbecause some article written recently uses it when discussing immigration doesn't meam it is a wide spread or common name for it outside Ireland and it's Diaspora and decendants.

personally it is an outdated flag that should be used ceremonally for UK events like team gb or governmental procedingsand nowt else, each nation has a flag use them
In our country, when we talk about the negative impression of UK, the Opium War is not the first thing comes to our mind.
That's too long ago.
Belgians have a fairly positive view of the UK, more like historical protective bigger brother, and usefull for the purpose of kicking Frenchy's from time to time. The tourists are also nice, but the British hooligans have made quite a reputation for themselves.
well the Irish call it that after a french verse.

don't think if you showed it to the averege person down Hamildon, freetown, sydney, Dheli etc the first thing they think is butchers apron, more likely to say some reference to the monarchy or football.

we are disliked more in europe I would say thn commomwealth nations bitnwhere we are then more in the indian subcontinent, middle east and persia region due to more recent meddling and conflicts

as for tge Union flag, god knows why Hawaii use it
I've travelled quite a bit in Southern and Eastern Africa, India, Nepal and south east Asia. Im not saying there isnt some, but persoanlly i can honestly say not once did I encounter any hostility because of my British Nationality. Also travelled extensively through Europe and it's the same. In fact the people in some countries are more than welcoming, Poland, Norway and the Dutch are very friendly to the Brits as many haven't forgotten the stance we took in the 1940.
Have you ever read about or considered the history of other European colonial powers? The French, Spainish, Italians, Dutch, Germans, and Russians don't have a great track record either. That's before we get on to the Japanese and more recently the Chinese. I guess that just doesn't fit your narrative ?

:) You are right in that is was just what was happening in the world at the time. If it hadn't been the British, it would have been some other European power and there is nothing to say the ex-colonies would have been any better off.

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