UK far right trouble July/August 24

People seem to completely ignore this which is quite evil really. The death toll indirectly and directly caused by Britain , America etc. must be vast. I don't know how they get away with it.
Some people want to kill you just for daring to mention it.

Just a gentle reminder that over a third of the world calls the Union Jack .... the ''Butchers Apron''.
Just a gentle reminder that over a third of the world calls the Union Jack .... the ''Butchers Apron''.
well the Irish call it that after a french verse.

don't think if you showed it to the averege person down Hamildon, freetown, sydney, Dheli etc the first thing they think is butchers apron, more likely to say some reference to the monarchy or football.

we are disliked more in europe I would say thn commomwealth nations bitnwhere we are then more in the indian subcontinent, middle east and persia region due to more recent meddling and conflicts

as for tge Union flag, god knows why Hawaii use it
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as for tge Union flag, god knows why Hawaii use it

well the Irish call it that after a french verse.

don't think if you showed it to the averege person down Hamildon, freetown, sydney, Dheli etc the first thing they think is butchers apron, more likely to say some reference to the monarchy or football.

we are disliked more in europe I would say thn commomwealth nations bitnwhere we are then more in the indian subcontinent, middle east and persia region due to more recent meddling and conflicts

as for tge Union flag, god knows why Hawaii use it

Did anyone notice that New Zealand winners at the Olympics were almost always given a black flag with a fern to celebrate with rather than their national flag?
well the Irish call it that after a french verse.

don't think if you showed it to the averege person down Hamildon, freetown, sydney, Dheli etc the first thing they think is butchers apron, more likely to say some reference to the monarchy or football.

we are disliked more in europe I would say thn commomwealth nations bitnwhere we are then more in the indian subcontinent, middle east and persia region due to more recent meddling and conflicts

as for tge Union flag, god knows why Hawaii use it
I met a high up ex army officer earlier this year , he said our links to France Militarily and politically were and still are much stronger than they are with the Yanks. Even after Brexit. The yanks are and always were much more insular in his opinion and experience. I found that an interesting insight.
Have you ever read about or considered the history of other European colonial powers? The French, Spainish, Italians, Dutch, Germans, and Russians don't have a great track record either. That's before we get on to the Japanese and more recently the Chinese. I guess that just doesn't fit your narrative ?

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