UK far right trouble July/August 24

No 13 yr old should have that much hate inside them. This is either taught or learned. Hope it isnt from people who should know better. Isnt Aldershot a big military town?
Did a few comedy gigs in Aldershot. Remember saying to a young lad at the front, what do you do at weekends around here. His reply was we go into town to fight the squaddies. I said they are trained to fight, are you mad? He said its a laugh, nothing else to do round here
I kind of agree with you.

I split by thinking if the government make it that a genuine working person doesn't earn enough to make it worthwhile to go to work, why wouldn't they sit on their collective arses? Why not reward hard work with better pay?

My original post was going to say to say if the gove raised all all baseline pay and kept taxes low, who's going to blame immigrants for 'taking their jobs'? If 'low skilled' jobs paid much better, there'd be more 'indigenous' citizens taking up those jobs with less blame going to anyone.

I know what you mean, but jacking the minimum wage up overnight would actually lead to a rise in unemployment as businesses went bust, inflation as wages rose and prices rose to meet it, causing even more businesses to go bust, and further unemployment, etc etc etc.

Fiscal policy isn’t as simple as printing cash and giving everyone a job. If it were, we’d all be happy communists.
I know what you mean, but jacking the minimum wage up overnight would actually lead to a rise in unemployment as businesses went bust, inflation as wages rose and prices rose to meet it, causing even more businesses to go bust, and further unemployment, etc etc etc.

Fiscal policy isn’t as simple as printing cash and giving everyone a job. If it were, we’d all be happy communists.


So, how do Govs get away with sending billions (which is essence our tax money since it falls on us to pay it back) abroad for wars?

How do Govs get away with subsidising companies that up prices that we have to pay for?

Why not subsidise smaller companies that can employ more people?
I know what you mean, but jacking the minimum wage up overnight would actually lead to a rise in unemployment as businesses went bust, inflation as wages rose and prices rose to meet it, causing even more businesses to go bust, and further unemployment, etc etc etc.

Fiscal policy isn’t as simple as printing cash and giving everyone a job. If it were, we’d all be happy communists.

The way to do it is put businesses on notice that the living rage will rise until its a living wage and that will be done regardless of how much businesses choose to reward their CEO and boards and shareholders. Put the "blame" on their shoulders - will Tesco shut branches?
Some harsh (good) sentences being handed out, 3 years for assaulting a police officer for example. Does anyone know when the 2 thugs from Manchester Airport will be up before the bench?

So, how do Govs get away with sending billions (which is essence our tax money since it falls on us to pay it back) abroad for wars?

How do Govs get away with subsidising companies that up prices that we have to pay for?

Why not subsidise smaller companies that can employ more people?
Small company, their speed of making profit is much more slower than the Banks or stock markets.
So you give them money ,they get the money ,and spend it out.
The money will flow back into the banks.
In my understanding, UK's economy is driven by financial industry, the banks. And you have a strong link to the US, the Fed is the source of all the money in the world. They are printing money, and they have great power to "hold" the money. High technology, Google, facebook, twitter, spacex, microsoft, ibm, Boeing, AMD, Nvidia whatever.
But what does UK have? I don't know. UK may have some industry, but not too much.
Nothing can hold the money, it runs too fast.
The price will be too high. Inevitable consequence of the "industrial hollowing out".
The picturesque villages of…*checks notes*…Clacton, Skegness, Basildon, Ashfield and Great Yarmouth?

There’s people in Bucha who would look at those towns and say nah…we don’t need a holiday this year.

That’s the thing. There is virtually no prospect of any boat people moving anywhere near their pristine and gated estates and manicured sour dough bread villages.

Funny enough Clacton didn't spring to mind.
Ashamed? That’s not the half of it. Her parents want locking up and they should never see the kid again, what sort of abusive background must you come from to end up like this at 13?! It’s horrendous.

I can only imagine what this kids home life must be like.
I agree with pretty much everything you've said on this thread but to be fair we've no idea what this girl's parents are like. They may well be wrong 'uns of course, but they could also be good parents who are horrified about what's happened as not all bad behaviour from children is down to bad parenting. Once kids set foot outside the front door, their parents might not have any idea what they're up to. As so often happens, she could've got in with the wrong crowd and got swept along with it all.

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