UK far right trouble July/August 24

The Chinese do. Its a well known fact in the international minerals market. You should do some research.

I know they do, which why I phrased my comment with the offsetting of what they do in return rather than not at all.

They're known for the infrastructure involvement in certain countries, for example, in their trading for cobalt.

It's not perfect or totally ideal, I know.
That is madness. But it is under laws brought in by the Tories.

What really annoys me mate, is that legitimate protests should be allowed and I would even support the far right's right to protest outside hotels. That is democracy as I see it.

The violence though is unacceptable and if under the law as it stands as much as I disagree with it then the girl has to face the consequences of her actions. Hopefully she gets a smack on the wrist

I fundamentally disagree with you on almost everything politically but we have some common ground here.

A smack on the wrist? At 13 what you need is a new life and a new family.

I’m really torn on this.

At say 15/16 I’d probably be in favour of locking them up in adult jail. You know right from wrong at that age.

But at 13 you’re still a kid and impressionable.

Ugh. It’s impossible really, I’ve no idea where you draw the line.
She wont ever get anything more. What needs to happen is her parents or wherever she gets her formative information from should be ashamed of themselves

Ashamed? That’s not the half of it. Her parents want locking up and they should never see the kid again, what sort of abusive background must you come from to end up like this at 13?! It’s horrendous.

I can only imagine what this kids home life must be like.
13 year old girl in court for participating in the riots.

Fucking sickening, who are these parents?!?

I can’t wrap my head around it.

Should have their kids taken off them and they should be banned for keeping anything bigger than a goldfish for life.

When I hear stories like this I always feel eternally grateful for the upbringing and education I had.

This is an awful thing to say but for some kids they really are doomed from birth.
It's the nature/nurture polemic rearing it's head, isn't it? For the truly abhorrent acts, i.e a child killing a child, I think we can put that down to nature. But children participating in riots? For me, that's the consequence of a poor upbringing. These parents are irresponsible and uneducated but they're also being left behind by those that govern. Poverty, scant opportunity; long term these things lead to the kind of unsavoury byproducts we've seen the last few weeks.
Why would we want to send asylum seekers to picturesque villages that vote reform?

The picturesque villages of…*checks notes*…Clacton, Skegness, Basildon, Ashfield and Great Yarmouth?

There’s people in Bucha who would look at those towns and say nah…we don’t need a holiday this year.
That is madness. But it is under laws brought in by the Tories.

What really annoys me mate, is that legitimate protests should be allowed and I would even support the far right's right to protest outside hotels. That is democracy as I see it.

The violence though is unacceptable and if under the law as it stands as much as I disagree with it then the girl has to face the consequences of her actions. Hopefully she gets a smack on the wrist

Spot on mate. I’m not particularly one of these give them a hug sorts when it comes to breaking the law… but she needs a hug.

I hope she turns her life round and when it comes to sentencing the beak has a heart.
It's the nature/nurture polemic rearing it's head, isn't it? For the truly abhorrent acts, i.e a child killing a child, I think we can put that down to nature. But children participating in riots? For me, that's the consequence of a poor upbringing. These parents are irresponsible and uneducated but they're also being left behind by those that govern. Poverty, scant opportunity; long term these things lead to the kind of unsavoury byproducts we've seen the last few weeks.

I agree with most of that. But we can’t just blame “the government” and wider society.

The individual must take responsibility for their own actions. (And here I don’t mean the kid obviously, I’m speaking in general terms).

It reinforces my strong belief in meritocracy and social mobility. People should be able to make a better life for themselves but far too many in society are happy to sit on their arse and doom their own children to the same pointless lives they themselves led.

It’s fucking heartbreaking.

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