UK far right trouble July/August 24

In my mind its like arguing turnips are parsnips, its two completely different things.

The killing of Lee Rigby was murder by a lunatic, what possessed the lunatic to do it, i have no idea, i doubt anyone apart from him does. It was though a dreadful attack, but it also fuelled the far rights conspiracy thinking.

It fueled a narrative that any minority should be guilty of the acts of an individual, that does not happen to the majority. For instance there are far more white British pedophiles than there are Asian heritage pedophiles, but the narrative is that Asian heritage pedophiles dominate and there are no white grooming gangs. There is also a distinct section of the EDL who were done for pedophillia, look then up on line, you will be amazed at how many.

As for riots, they should all be discussed, whether they are racist or not, i support totally the right of any person to be racist as long as they protest within the laws of land just as i support the rights of just stop oil and their ilk.

We are though in dangerous times, the left that i idenitfy with has been destroyed by the liberal centre, the traditional tory right has been dragged further right by the likes of that fucking moron Farage. We have a "labour" government that is the most right wing I've ever seen and all that does is move the Overton window further rightwards.

The further right the political discourse gets, the more likely it becomes you will not be able to discuss what was quoted. Patriots (nationalists) will come to the fore without understanding the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism. I am on the left but i am a patriot of course, because the left is and always been patriotic, but that because of the confusion between nationalism and patriotism that distinction has been lost, (read orwell on it)

My fear is we are becoming a country that is nationalistic rather than patriotic and its fuelled by a basic lack of understanding of what that means, patriotism is a love of country and the people of that country, nationalism is a means of promoting ones country over any other country. Todays so called patriots are fucking clueless about what it means and that is scary, they use patriotism as a weapon to divide when patriotism has always been a tool to unite.

As a community we do need to talk these things through, it is why i would encourage debate on everything as everyones ideals are valid and every viewpoint is worthy of discussion.

We will see where the country goes, i have zero faith in Starmer though, he is another liberal lefty who doesnt quite get it.

I live in hope
In all fairness, I feel like England has always been very nationalist, there’s always been a superiority complex and reading BM obviously still is
In my mind its like arguing turnips are parsnips, its two completely different things.

The killing of Lee Rigby was murder by a lunatic, what possessed the lunatic to do it, i have no idea, i doubt anyone apart from him does. It was though a dreadful attack, but it also fuelled the far rights conspiracy thinking.

It fueled a narrative that any minority should be guilty of the acts of an individual, that does not happen to the majority. For instance there are far more white British pedophiles than there are Asian heritage pedophiles, but the narrative is that Asian heritage pedophiles dominate and there are no white grooming gangs. There is also a distinct section of the EDL who were done for pedophillia, look then up on line, you will be amazed at how many.

As for riots, they should all be discussed, whether they are racist or not, i support totally the right of any person to be racist as long as they protest within the laws of land just as i support the rights of just stop oil and their ilk.

We are though in dangerous times, the left that i idenitfy with has been destroyed by the liberal centre, the traditional tory right has been dragged further right by the likes of that fucking moron Farage. We have a "labour" government that is the most right wing I've ever seen and all that does is move the Overton window further rightwards.

The further right the political discourse gets, the more likely it becomes you will not be able to discuss what was quoted. Patriots (nationalists) will come to the fore without understanding the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism. I am on the left but i am a patriot of course, because the left is and always been patriotic, but that because of the confusion between nationalism and patriotism that distinction has been lost, (read orwell on it)

My fear is we are becoming a country that is nationalistic rather than patriotic and its fuelled by a basic lack of understanding of what that means, patriotism is a love of country and the people of that country, nationalism is a means of promoting ones country over any other country. Todays so called patriots are fucking clueless about what it means and that is scary, they use patriotism as a weapon to divide when patriotism has always been a tool to unite.

As a community we do need to talk these things through, it is why i would encourage debate on everything as everyones ideals are valid and every viewpoint is worthy of discussion.

We will see where the country goes, i have zero faith in Starmer though, he is another liberal lefty who doesnt quite get it.

I live in hope

Spot on. The worry I have is there was a time really not that long ago where people of any political persuasion would agree with the fundamentals of your post. The concern now is that it’s been weaponised and been allowed to poison our political debate so much that I’m really not sure we’ll ever get it back. It’ll take a lot more than one person to do it if we do, it already needs a pretty large societal change back.
In all fairness, I feel like England has always been very nationalist, there’s always been a superiority complex and reading BM obviously still is
Our nation has always been patriotic, but not nationalist, there is a distinction and its important.

Also take in historical context then, we had the largest empire that has ever existed, does that makes us nationaists, no, but if does fuel patriotsm in an historical context. today for instance is Trafalgar day, when in 1805 our Admiral Nelson died on HMS victory whilst the fleet won a victory against the Spanish fleet.

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