Lucky13 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
The problem I have with UKIP is that they take otherwise Tory votes, which makes it more likely for Labour to get back in - if that happens we might as well collectively top ourselves.

By all means feel free to lead the way.
I hear Dignitas have some cracking Christmas offers on.
I can organise a whip round of Cellarites keen to donate.

A new low on this forum.

When I need the opinion of a failed Conservative councillor who gets all upset by proxy,you shall be the first to know.
Until such time,which will be never,I suggest you wind your neck in,take the advice you gave to me,and ignore my posts until they actually concern you.
Unless you fancy a trip to Switzerland with your mate,who has started 28 race-related threads in the last two years.
Not that this makes him racist,of course.
The Robert Corbert article Skash posted confirms that the extent of Farage and Lamberts conection is that they were 'seen chatting' once a few years ago - about the same time I was working with someone who has since been convicted of sexual offences. Perhaps this means I'm a nonce?
Seriously, the Corbert article is full of instances of UKIP members saying things which when presented in this context clearly make them seem like racist nutters. I was eagerly reading to get to the part where UKIP policies were shown to be racist or otherwise dodgy but it just continued as a list of (perhaps justified) smears on UKIP personalities which makes me inclined to take it with a pinch of salt TBH.
Helmet Cole said:
The Robert Corbert article Skash posted confirms that the extent of Farage and Lamberts conection is that they were 'seen chatting' once a few years ago - about the same time I was working with someone who has since been convicted of sexual offences. Perhaps this means I'm a nonce?
Seriously, the Corbert article is full of instances of UKIP members saying things which when presented in this context clearly make them seem like racist nutters. I was eagerly reading to get to the part where UKIP policies were shown to be racist or otherwise dodgy but it just continued as a list of (perhaps justified) smears on UKIP personalities which makes me inclined to take it with a pinch of salt TBH.
If doesn't confirm that was the extent at all. Only the minimum Farage can plausibly deny. Lecomber's offences, including three years of imprisonment, were before he met Farage so the two aren't comparable. Nice try though. Farage was also aware by that point of Deavin's position as BNP head of research (whilst simultaneously being in UKIP - for which he was expelled for being duplicitous in concealing his BNP membership whilst working at UKIP) and Farage arranged to meet him anyway despite that. However, I've never said it proves anything. I've only said it makes me suspicious of him.

If I had anything more than suspicion, I'd declare it.
Helmet Cole said:
Ok, so the very mention of UKIP seems to bring out the right-leaning 'BNP in suits' types and in equal measure the strange folk who apparently find that preventing/closing any actual discussion by relying on lazy 'racist' accusations, or indeed BNP comparisons. Sadly it is probably the (silent) majority in the middle that don't comment that probably have a sensible opinion.
My own opinion is that it's very dodgy to try and snuff out political engagement with extreme views by adopting a fashionably liberal viewpoint that 'can't' be argued with for PC reasons as it lets the extremists off the hook. Much better to engage and let any silly, racist, or extreme views reach their inevitable dead end. It's happened to the NF and the BNP and it will happen to UKIP -if they are nutters.
I think UKIP will get my vote in Euro elections as it's nice to see Farage giving it to those twats in Brussels, but I don't think I'm quite ready to see him as our next PM. I'd rather have the 'none of the above' option on the voting slip as mentioned earlier in this thread.
stonerblue said:
Helmet Cole said:
Ok, so the very mention of UKIP seems to bring out the right-leaning 'BNP in suits' types and in equal measure the strange folk who apparently find that preventing/closing any actual discussion by relying on lazy 'racist' accusations, or indeed BNP comparisons. Sadly it is probably the (silent) majority in the middle that don't comment that probably have a sensible opinion.
My own opinion is that it's very dodgy to try and snuff out political engagement with extreme views by adopting a fashionably liberal viewpoint that 'can't' be argued with for PC reasons as it lets the extremists off the hook. Much better to engage and let any silly, racist, or extreme views reach their inevitable dead end. It's happened to the NF and the BNP and it will happen to UKIP -if they are nutters.
I think UKIP will get my vote in Euro elections as it's nice to see Farage giving it to those twats in Brussels, but I don't think I'm quite ready to see him as our next PM. I'd rather have the 'none of the above' option on the voting slip as mentioned earlier in this thread.

UKIPs main stated aim is to counter the EU and if this means being voting partners with racists then I suppose they take the pragmatic view. It doesn't necessarily mean they are racist as well. Although I suspect they attract a higher percentage of racist supporters than other parties.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
'Call Me Dave' is on record as saying that UKIP is a party of 'closet racists and fruitcakes'.
And if anyone is best positioned to be an authority on such matters,it must surely be a Tory leader who's own backbench has more than it's fair share.

True, but he has got a vested interest in rubbishing them...
sinnerman said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
'Call Me Dave' is on record as saying that UKIP is a party of 'closet racists and fruitcakes'.
And if anyone is best positioned to be an authority on such matters,it must surely be a Tory leader who's own backbench has more than it's fair share.

True, but he has got a vested interest in rubbishing them...

Cameron is pretty much caught between a rock and a hard place on the issue of UKIP,as many staunch tories support UKIP on Europe rather than their own party,and those bonkers backbenchers I alluded to still wield a fair bit of clout within the party.
Clearly UKIP are going to divide the Euro-sceptic vote at the next election and,given that Farage has basically said no to any deal,Cameron has to either be seen to 'out-UKIP UKIP',and move to the right,or face the consequences,which will have Labour rubbing it's hands with glee as the right is split asunder.
The Liberal Sellouttwats are pretty much a dead man walking,and a lot of their disillusioned and disaffected core constituents will really only have Labour as a viable alternative to show their dissatisfaction with Clegg's betrayal.
All of which also plays into the hands of Labour in key marginals.
sinnerman said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
'Call Me Dave' is on record as saying that UKIP is a party of 'closet racists and fruitcakes'.
And if anyone is best positioned to be an authority on such matters,it must surely be a Tory leader who's own backbench has more than it's fair share.

True, but he has got a vested interest in rubbishing them...

No shit Sherlock ;). I find these accusations of racism a little bit lazy, and a little bit too convenient, when you bear in mind that the country is largely Euro-sceptic, so accusing a party of being racist is much easier than debating the issue.
hgblue said:
sinnerman said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
'Call Me Dave' is on record as saying that UKIP is a party of 'closet racists and fruitcakes'.
And if anyone is best positioned to be an authority on such matters,it must surely be a Tory leader who's own backbench has more than it's fair share.

True, but he has got a vested interest in rubbishing them...

No shit Sherlock ;). I find these accusations of racism a little bit lazy, and a little bit too convenient, when you bear in mind that the country is largely Euro-sceptic, so accusing a party of being racist is much easier than debating the issue.

it seems that some people can only compute left versus right, tory versus labour; as if that tired old minority interest two party politics is still somehow relevant in the modern world

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