United (A) Post Match Thread

Get to fuck! Did that Noddy headed little fucker feel sorry for us when they were winning everything under that fucking banner? Did he fuck. He's paid an absolute fortune to manage a team that he, he alone, has actually spent 400 million, let that sink in, 400 million, on players. That fucking club and those who represent it can't suffer enough for me, us Blues who suffered for years while those cunts mocked us fucking hate them. You're on the wrong forum for sympathy here, he's fucking lucky we didn't score another six the stupid little prick
Well fucking put.
Fuck him, fuck their players and fuck their fans.
Interesting how Pep corrected the interviewer when he said our players movement was good. "No we move the ball, the players are in their positions "
He has always said this…move the ball, and the opponent has to move!

This is why we play so many passes back and forth between players, as if the two of them are playing keep away! Make them come, then play around them into the space they created for you. As the ball gets moved, so players move into THEIR space, receive it, keep it moving.

Lather, rinse, repeat!

People call this tiki taka, but it’s really conserving your energy while shagging the opposition, then killing them with the ball into the space THEY just created FOR YOU!

It is demoralizing as a player to be on the receiving end of it.

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Get to fuck! Did that Noddy headed little fucker feel sorry for us when they were winning everything under that fucking banner? Did he fuck. He's paid an absolute fortune to manage a team that he, he alone, has actually spent 400 million, let that sink in, 400 million, on players. That fucking club and those who represent it can't suffer enough for me, us Blues who suffered for years while those cunts mocked us fucking hate them. You're on the wrong forum for sympathy here, he's fucking lucky we didn't score another six the stupid little prick
Strong letter to follow?

You spoke for at least two generations of City fans there. I doff my cap!
"Worse than the Liverpool game, they toyed around with us, this was a training session today"...

Our fantastic support supplied the soundtrack to their misery!

Another fucking know nothing glory hunter. He was brought up around Maine Road but chose to support the rags, that's the calibre of their support, brought up on taking the easy option now don't know what to do when the bullets are flying. Grow some balls you fucking little numpty.

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