United (A) | Post Match Thread

Well one thing I've noticed after this weekend.
I've got messages from people I thought had died years ago.
Funny I have had the same, 6 months ago they had "lost interest" in football, "not like it used to be" "all about the money now" etc etc etc,
Now they all seem to be interested again? weird lot.
Well one thing I've noticed after this weekend.
I've got messages from people I thought had died years ago.
They did....

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Has anyone got any of these clips from the ref/lineman/rat face discussion? I can’t find them online. Probably me being lazy though.
Watched the game again this morning......yeah i know i am a sadist.

Not going to go on about that abomination of a goal that was allowed to stand. It changed the game.

Still.......It was evident to me watching that first half again. We were playing well within our selves. The focus being on Ball retention and obsessively keeping possession. Nullifying the Rags threat. Players always passing to the side, and back. Watch Bernado closely he sees Haaland run after a quick pass, zero interest from Bernado backwards goes the pass.

That is not accident. This is the team being sent out by the manager purely to focus on getting to half time 0-0 and go on from there second half. Wasting a full half playing slow, dull, insipid robotic football. It is awful football, cowardly as well. Unbelievably We were playing with fear to contain the Rags.

Many would rather blame the players than the manager.

How are they supposed to to change the game when Pep is obsessed more with retaining possession at all costs ?.Look at the players faces when they make a shit pass,they look terrified, they are playing with anxiety rather than flair.

2 games with virtually zero shots on goal, is both incredible, and criminal, given our talent..

Why even bother playing Haaland if the game plan is to simply grind out first half defensively against a shit Rag side who only threat is Trashford.That was there only threat, and he couldn't even nullify that.

Then we finish the game with a World Cup winning striker Alvarez still sat on the Bench.

It is like Pep sulks, and becomes incapable of thinking logically when it is not going his way. It is not a one off either. Every Champions League campaign ends the same way.

I am worried he is unravelling, and a few players have had enough playing his style.

We need to up our game against Spurs or another defeat is nailed on.
Fair play to you for watching that abomination again. Pep knows the players are mentally fucked. He is not asking them to constantly make mistakes when passing the ball or not running in packs to close down the opposition. The ball goes to the side then back. Rinse and repeat because the players need a break. My only issue with him is that I wish he would use the squad members more and give kdb, Bernie, Foden 3/4 games off.

He is not unraveling and the players are not refusing to play his way after his way has brought them untold success and the accolades that go with it. Pep’s philosophy is pure football.

I don’t understand the need to blame Pep or the players. All look burned out. Tired minds and tired bodies. Take it on the chin as it will only get better when it gets better. Turning on them all especially the man who has brought so much credibility, success and respect to our football club is not right.

City fans are made of better stuff than this, imo.
I really liked seeing the fight he showed too. He wasn't accepting crap from any of that lot. He threw quite a few shoulder challenges in at the end, stands up for himself too.
Pity about Bernie, he has been a great player for us. He clearly wants to leave now though and that desire appears to have started affecting his performances. There is nowhere else to go when you reach that stage. Sad but there is nothing that can done about it.
If Bernardo wanted out. He would be gone by now

We lost because of a criminal decision not because we were poor
I think Pep has certain tolerances for certain players. He won't allow all midfield to take risks , thats way too risky. Calculated risk allows KDB that freedom. Proble. Comes when oppo knows this and works like mad to close KDB down. Sacrifice space so when when say Bernie or Foden get it they feel restricted in playing that type of ball.
Pep said in his press conference it's all the players he wants to find Erling more. He said they can all attack (when we have the ball) and defend (when we don't have the ball).

I'm sure it is something Pep will be working on with the players.

Some things take time to get right.
Shearer Murphy and Chappers (utd fan) all saying Rashford impacts that goal and that it shouldn't of stood.
As well as other pundits this weekend.

Peter fuckin Walton obviously thought it to be perfect though, BT.
Next up tomorrow Dippy Dermot, SLY Sports
Shearer Murphy and Chappers (utd fan) all saying Rashford impacts that goal and that it shouldn't of stood.
As well as other pundits this weekend.

Peter fuckin Walton obviously thought it to be perfect though, BT.
Next up tomorrow Dippy Dermot, SLY Sports
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